2004-03-20 06:07:00Jenny




We (my class and I) went to see the play MacBeth by William Shakespeare in Plymouth. The ride there was quite good because Rebecca left me in peace. There were other schools there as well and the boys kept doing 'Boo' signs to them.

MacBeth is about a Scottish nobleman who murders King Duncan in order to become a king. MacBeth also commits several other murders, including murdering Banquo, his best friend.

At the theatre, there was this big board which kept flashing things like: 'MacBeth's castle in Inverness' and 'King Duncan's castle in Forres'.

There were quite a lot of technical stuffs hanging on the ceiling. They used quite a lot of smoke machines as well, but luckily the smoke didn't drift towards us.

There was a porter who was quite funny because he kept going on about wee-wees and he even wet himself on stage! Claire said that she liked him best because he is funny.

I didn't really like the porter very much. I liked MacDuff best because he was very good at singing and he was a good actor! He is quite good at sword fighting. Poor Mick! He really did miss a good sword-fighting play!

The scene that I really liked was the last one, when MacDuff had just killed MacBeth. I like that scene because there's a song and nearly every cast was there, except for the MacBeths who both had only just died. Someone had untied a Scottish banner and was waving it madly.

The other scene I liked as well was the banqueting scene when the actor sang 'Scotland forever, one land together' and then Banquo's appeared. Well, they didn't really manage to get a real ghost, but a pretend one is good enough for me!

The three weird sisters were also, well, weird. They wore these seriously cool wigs and I liked their 'double double toil and trouble' song best. I also liked it when the apparitions appear because they use different things to show them.

Also there was a little boy about six who was very cute and kept trying to remember his lines because he kept saying 'um'. He was also one of the apparitions, the one of the royal child carrying a branch.

The song I liked best was 'double double toil and trouble' because it was really lively and funny. The three weird sisters and Hecat kept doing strange dances and arm movements.

I kept observing Alex, giving him side-way glances because he is the only one with any real acting experiences. All the time, Alex was staring at the stage, totally transfixed! I was surprised that his eyes didn't go pop!

This really was the best trip we've ever had! Even Miss Painter and Mrs. Foster said so!

P.S. I thought I'd better warn you that if ever you are thinking of watching MacBeth, there's a kissing bit in there. When we watched that I thought Joe was going to die of disgust!


