2004-03-04 05:07:00Jenny

一起在英國長大:【生活日記64】The Witches


The witches

Do you believe in witches? Well you'd better start to believe in them right NOW because English witches are the most vicious witches in the world! Witches looked really ordinary, why even your neighbour (a lovely young lady) might be one! Roald Dahl knows all about witches and what happened to a boy called Charlie whose parents (I'm sorry to say) died in a car crash. Mr. Dahl wrote about it in a book called (very simply) The Witches and the play we saw was based on that book.

The story was of course about witches and about a little orphaned boy called Charlie who went to live in Norway with his grandma after his parents' death. They had to go back to England because of Charlie's parents' will. In the summer holidays they were supposed to go to Norway for a holiday. Unfortunately, Grandma got a cold so they ended up in a hotel near the seaside where the GRAND HIGH WITCH and all the witches of England were having their annual meeting there. It was quite by chance that Charlie stumbled across the ballroom and saw the witches turn Bruno (a greedy little brat who is always eating) into a small mouse. Then Charlie got turned into a mouse also… adventure after adventure, but at last Charlie succeeded in turning the witches into mice, and so the story ends.

The main character is Charlie, but the most unusual thing was that Charlie was acted by a girl who looked really like a boy, in fact, SHE even fooled me into thinking that SHE is a HE! Also, two of the witches were children, most unusual I must say, I mean you don't get children witches do you? Still, even if children did act as witches they were very, very good actors, because it's really hard to act a witch. Take the time when our class did McBeth for instance, the girls that acted the three old witches were giggling so much that they could hardly get a word out, so that is an example.

My favorite character was of course Charlie because he was very brave and he was also a quick thinker even when he was a mouse. I really would want to choose to be Charlie because he went through so many adventures. Bye for now.


The witches 是元旦假期時,在倫敦看的劇作,雖在倫敦,卻不是在劇院密集的西區,而是在稍稍遠離市中心區的西南倫敦一角,也因對地點不熟悉,出了地鐵站問人才知道,還要走十分鐘的路,可是當時已將開演,只好搭計程車了,結果還是遲到,負責驗票的老人等在門口,問我們是否就是已訂票的那一家人,然後引導我們就坐,真是一段有點尷尬的插曲。

The witches 和The twits (Jenny的弟弟寫了日記,見日記第四篇:http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/0329mick/)都是同一個作者,事實上,因為Roald Dahl太受歡迎,不僅他的多部作品被改編成電影或劇作,他去世後,甚至還有他的紀念博物館。
