2004-02-07 07:25:00Jenny

一起在英國長大:【生活日記57】Science Museum


Science Museum

Dear diary,

We went to the Science Museum today. It was pouring with rain outside so it was not really surprising that there were a lot of people inside rather than outside.

The Science Museum was quite crowded because it's free. Dad went to book tickets for a 3D (3 dimensional) film called Santa vs. Snowman. He also booked tickets for two other rides that are in the museum. We went on the first ride which wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped, but it was OK I suppose. It's about a meteorite, which is going to hit the Earth if we don't destroy it before it passes Jupiter. The thing shook like anything, but, as I later observed, the second ride was better.

The 3D film we watched was about a lonely snowman and Santa. The snowman was lonely and he had no one to talk to, so he couldn't talk and he only had his flute to express his feelings (very musical, isn't he? Even though he is very evil.) Then one day, his flute is tragically broken. Then he found Santa’s village and how popular Santa is so he decided that he wants to be Santa which lead to a hilarious Polar battle which ended with the two of them being best friends. The bit I liked best was when the Snowman used a camera and disguised it as an ice cream, but a sour-looking penguin came in with three elf guards and threw him out. Poor snowman.

The last ride we went on had a lot of people queuing up outside and the ride was in a sort of model thingy which looked awesome! There were two lads (both younger than me) who talked to my brother about the film. When the ride started (I was sat in between my brother and one of the two lads), I was practically deafened because my brother and the other lad were screaming so loudly. Well that's an adventure I must say.

We went to eat at Mc Donald's and then went to Hamley's. I was tired out and I was nearly walked to death! What a day: I was nearly hit by a snowball, nearly deafened and nearly walked to death!!!



相對於其他倫敦知名博物館,科學博物館並不特別突出,不過我們去的時候倒是人潮洶湧,當時熱鬧滾滾的科博館,不是因為固定展覽吸引人,而是正值「魔戒特展」期,不過因為那次倫敦行的主要目的是要讓Jenny 和Mick 再對倫敦博物館進行一次巡禮,而且魔戒特展票價頗高,權衡之下,還是選擇讓他們將時間花在其他動手做做看的展覽上,為了讓活動多樣化,也讓他們乘坐科博館內太空模擬等二個固定設施,可是因目前在許多主題樂園,已可見類似設備,倒無多大可觀之處。
