2004-01-14 22:01:00Jenny

一起在英國長大:【生活日記55】Tate Modern



Do you like art? To be precise, do you like MODERN art? Well if you do then you'll love Tate Modern Art Gallery because in there, there are tons and tons of art works by Matisse and Picasso and all the other famous artists. What attracted people's attention most was the ‘moon’ that hung in the hall leading to the galleries, though my dad and I discovered later that the top half is only a reflection of the bottom half! The ‘moon’ looked really like the one we saw in the musical ‘the Lion King’, but it's really a sun in ‘Lion King’!

Dad borrowed a couple of audio guides for Mick and me, read by Michael Rosen, a famous poet, who introduces the masterpieces to us.

There's a whole section about weather that really puzzled me. I mean how can any good modern art be based on such a terrible subject? Only really classical art would be based on such a boring subject. We don't even do art on the you-know-what subject, but that gallery was full of art objects and completely stuffed with paintings. If we only added one more to it the whole gallery might just explode! Anyway some of the art things didn’t even fit in that gallery like ‘The Carnival’ which is about love and should be put in the body gallery because there's those two people eating each other, but even though it's ultra disgusting it's still my favorite because Picasso had painted the knife a very curious colour. I must have stood and looked at that painting for over a minute!

There's another very famous work called ‘The Snail’ by Matisse. The large colored sheets were pinned in a special pattern so as to look like a snail. There is also a very snail-like thing sticking out of the top. No one is sure if it is another snail.

The other section we went to was ‘Landscape and Still Life’. I've always liked still life because that’s what I’m best at. There was a really good and special art object. It contained lots of wooden planks and toys etc. What happened is that the artist bought all those things in a car boot sale and put them in her shed, then she asked the army to blow her shed up and then she collected all the bits and pieces up and there it is! I even saw a pair of Wellington boots in there and they looked as if the artist had smeared dung on it! Urge!

Well time to leave! Cheerio!

PS mum and dad bought me a really good art book!



Jenny對美術館、博物館一直非常有興趣,這一次的語音導覽由詩人作家Michael Rosen錄製,Jenny又看過由他作品改編的戲劇,所以也就聽得更加興味盎然了。
