Looking After Cacti
When looking after cacti, remember to follow the plant's natural climatic conditions. They prefer bright light, and some of them can't survive in high temperatures or intense sunlight. If you notice your cactus in a spot with too much light, move it to a brighter area. But be careful not to move it too fast, as this may cause damage.
Despite their sturdiness, cacti can suffer from over-watering. Overwatering causes the plant to grow poorly and to lose its shape. Additionally, over-watering can lead to root rot. Hence, it is essential to water your cacti only a little bit at a time.
The best way to care for your cacti is to place it in a bright, sunny area. Cacti are sensitive to heat, so you should make sure it has enough ventilationlooking after cacti. If your greenhouse does not have automatic ventilation, you should leave the window open before going out for a while.
Watering your cactus should be done at least once every week. Watering them on the same day every week is a good habit as it will ensure that you don't forget to water them. Keeping a routine will also help you prevent overwatering them. The watering time depends on the species and the season, but in general, it should be between two and three times a week.
When re-potting your cacti, it's best to plant them in a slightly larger pot and then cover the roots with potting mix. Wait a couple of days before watering them again to ensure that the roots settle well. It is also important to keep the plant in a dry environment to avoid rotting.
Care for your cacti can be a very rewarding hobby. They put on a colourful show in the spring and later in the summer. It can be fun to join a club and learn about the care of your prickly pal. In the meantime, you can purchase cactus collector cards to give as gifts. Other gifts can be seeds, bulbs, tote bags, decorations, and even a beeswax candle.
The soil for cacti needs to be dry and well-draining. There are special cactus potting mixes you can buy or make yourself. You can also use coarse sand, crushed sandstone, fine gravel, and compost. If you want to keep your cactus alive and healthy, you can treat the soil with a brown scale insecticide.
You can also propagate your cacti by using their offshoots or branches. To do so, remove the offshoot from the plant, let it dry for about two weeks, and then plant it shallowly in dry soil. Another method is to take a stem section and use a sharp knife to cut it. Always plant the cutting carefully, and make sure you don't leave it exposed to excessive moisture or it will rot.
In addition to proper drainage, cacti need regular watering. A shallow tray the size of a roasting pan is ideal. Water it until the top soil is saturated. After a few hours, remove it from the water and place it in a dry place where it can drain out easily.