2004-10-20 02:56:33kathy

Little Duck~

Today i go to school at 9:00 as i have early lesson.
I want to have a tutorial with V !!
Really want it~!Not the stupid guy....
Unfortunately , there're not enough time for our class
to tutor . Bad~~

As the DT lesson have canceled , Pinky ,Ivy ,Tacki ,Lucci & I
go to Wan Chai to have our lunch. GREAT~
Then we visit the HK Electronics Fair at HKCEC.
There're many booth including Audio & Visual ,
Electronic Accessories , Personal Electronics ,Multi-products ...
We take a long time to visit it all...so tried .

After visiting , Pinky and i go to Causeway Bay shopping ,
Wow~~She buy a iron chicken for photographic lesson .
And i buy a cute yellow duck too~~~~~~~~

So tried.......