2004-10-08 00:56:32kathy

The Red Bean


Today i wake up early as i've lesson in the morning.
I have to draw lots for the join project with POSH and
luckily, i draw the no.15. Therefore i can choose the
subject what i want .
Unfortunately , GiGi draws the second last number that
make her feel so disappointed.However , Lucci exchange
the number with her and she can therefore choose the
subject what she wants .
You know all of us are your friend , GiGi~
After drawing the lots ,we've a briefing .And we go
to the Metro City to have our long lunch by taxi. There
are 8 peoples including Pinky, Eunice,Ivy,Tacki,GiGi,
Heidi,Mak G & Lucci .
WOW~~ So HaPPy~
This's the first time i have gone to 'The Red Bean' .
The food is quite expensive and there is nothing
special.After having the lunch,we walk around the
Metro City. Heidi buy a pocket of candy in the Marks & Spencer.
Later, we come back to IVE to attend the CAD lesson.
After the lesson,Eunice and i go to Mong Kok to buy something special.And we go home at about 7:30pm

So TirEd~~~~~。﹏。