2020-08-05 15:29:05流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1001) Lonely Women Make Good Lovers

此曲為美國鄉村歌手Freddy Weller與錄音室樂師Spooner Oldham所合寫,而由另位鄉村歌手Bob Luman於1972首錄發行,獲得鄉村榜的第4名。寫歌的Freddy Weller自己也錄唱此曲,但未發行單曲,只收錄在他1972的專輯《The Roadmaster》中。


美國鄉村歌手Steve Wariner於1983翻唱此曲,與之前Bob Luman在排行榜的成績相同,也是第4名。Steve Wariner在青少年時,即自學吉他、斑鳩琴、貝士及套鼓等多項樂器,17歲尚就讀高中時在某鄉村俱樂部表演被鄉村女歌手Dottie West相中,邀Wariner擔任她專屬樂隊的貝士手,由於想多專注在寫歌,Wariner在樂隊待了三年後離開,此時也開始隨著前述的Bob Luman巡演 ( 或也由於此種關係,日後Wariner才會翻唱Luman的這首《Lonely Women Make Good Lovers》),在Bob Luman錄製唱片期間,Wariner認識了錄音室吉他手Paul Yandell,經其推薦給鄉村音樂界的重量級人物Chet Atkins( 知名吉他手、歌手及唱片公司高層),1976,

Dottie West

Chet Atkins

英文有時也很有趣,看似每個單字都認識,但合在一起就不太能確定是在表達何種邏輯 (寂寞的女人因渴望愛情,而成為了好情人?)。有人對此曲的含意是從反向思考,認為是在提醒那些非如歌中所形容的「good lookin' smooth talkin' man」 ( 能言善道的帥哥?)」,自己的條件不佳,對女人的姿態應放低些。另,女人若被「good lookin' smooth talkin' man」知道了心中寂寞,很容易會被佔便宜。是這樣的嗎?呵呵!

Lonely women make good lovers
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
Lonely women make good lovers
So if you got a woman, better treat her just as good as you can
Lots of times a lonely girl will go out on the town
With no thought of evil on her mind
She don't try to plant bad seeds
Lord knows there's something every woman needs
And a friendly smile will do it every time
Lonely women make good lovers
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
Lonely women make good lovers
So if you got a woman, better treat her just as good as you can
Once a woman's tasted love
She can't do without it
She'll search for something warm when she gets cold
If her lips are wet with wine
And when it comes to lovin' time
She'll trade her pride for something warm to hold
Lonely women make good lovers
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
Lonely women make good lovers
So if you got a woman, better treat her just as good as you can
Yeah, lonely women make good lovers
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
Lonely women make good lovers