2008-03-12 11:51:55糊塗小麥


父:The ones that rise in price go against accepted conventions recently, this is last a gold coin left of ours, what shall our life do?
母: Not merely we two have daughters ~~What is to be done? What is to be done?
魔: Ha Ha Ha, are you worrying about your economy? So long as give the thing behind your room to me, I can let you not be worried for money
父: Out of question so long as given us wealth, the thing behind the room is yours
魔:Ha, right away come to an agreement, your safe is full; I will take my thing three years later
母r: Oh, my god (驚恐的說) "That must be a devil! There are not only apple trees behind the room now, whom he wants is our daughter, and she is sweeping the yard
旁: Three years later, the daughter is a beautiful girl
女: papa mama ~~What happened just now? So noisy in the room
母: Daughter, the devil will coming soon, just escape quickly, it is the better to be the farther from home
父: Three years ago, I regarded you as the cost and gained so much wealth
女: Father of father parents I know, you should take care of yourself. Those kind people will help me
旁: She set out after putting in order the luggage, walk for a whole day, she comes to an imperial garden at sunset, in the flashing moonlight, she sees the garden is covered with the fruit tree of the captivating fruit. The girl has already walked totally for one day, and has not eaten anything. She is very hungry. Covered with the pleasant pear on the tree in the orchard, the daughter comes to pear tree, have plucked one to eat, then leave satisfied
王: Are you come from haven, or from hell? Are you the human or spirit?
女: I am not a spirit, I am an unfortunate person. Except God, everybody has abandoned me.
王: Even all people in the world have abandoned you, I will not do so either.
旁: He takes the girl back to Royal Palace, the girl’s beauty and kind-heartedness make the king fall in love with her deeply, marry her. One year later, the king has to go on a long journey to go to the other countries to confer the thing.
王: If she gives birth to the child, please look after her carefully, tells me news as soon as possible. (拉著姑娘對母親說)
旁: A healthy and beautiful boy was born, mother writes this exciting news with on the letter sending someone to send to the king at once. Besides, that devil has wanted to injure the kind queen all the time. The devil puts another letter into the messenger’s pocket, the child wanting them to give birth to queen and her above puts to death.
后: I am unwilling to kill you according to the king’s order, but you can’t live here any more. Lead child walk, don’t come back again
后: Your bad fellow, why write a letter and want me to kill those two innocent persons? (她拿出那一封被惡魔換了的信給國王看) I have already acted accordingly.
后: Don’t crying, she is still alive. In fact I let her go with her child to the field to make a living, want her not to come back again, because seem very angry to her on your letter.
王: So long as my dear wife and son have not been murdered or died of hunger, go over the precipice cape of day I must find them, otherwise I do not eat but drunk either.
旁:The girl come one large forest, pray to God. The angel will come she will lead her in front of a cabin closer. Where will a brand hang, writing above: "Everything is free.
使: Welcome, queen(天使從屋裡走出來將她引進屋裡)
女: "How you know I am a queen.
使: I am an angel, God sent me to look after you and child.
旁: The queen has lived here for seven years, the girl received very good treatment. King look for seven year too, take, drink either, in help him to support in the dark God. He has sought all over in every crack of stone, every cave, but did not find, he thinks she must have insufficient food and clothing and die. He came to the large forest finally, the brand of “all is free " seeing the cabin and hanging above.
使: Welcome, King. How could you come here?
王: I have come out to look for my wife and child for already seven years, I nearly sought all over in every place, can’t just find. (天使請國王吃東西,國王什麼也沒吃)
王: I am not hungry, thanks (他躺下,將一塊手帕遮在臉上睡了)
使: Go out bringing up children, your husband lets you come. (於是王后帶著兒子來到國王睡覺的地方。手帕從國王的臉上滑落到地上)
女: Go to pick up your father’s handkerchief, cover on his face. (孩子走過去,撿起手帕蓋到國王臉上。國王在睡夢中聽到了,便很高興地讓手帕再次滑落到地上)
兒: Dear mother, do I have father in this world? How do you ask me to cover father’s face with the handkerchief? You say I father in paradise, why say stranger this I father again now? He is not my father. (國王一聽,馬上坐了起來,問他們是誰)
女: I am your wife, he is your son is ’Alex ’.
王: My wife brought the hand chain made of a piece of gold. (天使拿給他)
王: The stone in my heart can be regarded as and fall by now. "
旁: The king takes wife and children back to Royal Palace subsequently, see old mother, rejoiced everywhere. King and queen have held the wedding again, lived happily and satisfied forever from then on.