2008-03-12 00:42:25糊塗小麥


旁: Bob and Alex were two artist and roommate living in the neighborhood
旁: one day Bob became very sick
醫: Your little friend has decide she’s not going to get well
醫: I will do what I can, but as soon as the patient thinks about he own death, I subtract 50% of chance that I can help he get better
Alex: what can we do to him?
If you can get him think about living, and then he would have a batter chance of getting well again
旁: bob lying in bad all day and hardly moving, all he could do was lie in bad and look though a small window at the brick wall out side
B: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7
A: what are you counting?
B: 6~ 3 days ago there were almost a hundred, now is easy to count, 5~ there are only 5 left.
A: 5 what?
B: leaves, 5 leaves are one the ivy vines. When last one falls, I’ll die too. I’ve know that for 3 days.
A: Stop talking such nonsense, what does an old ivy leaf have to do with your get well. The doctor said your chance are petty good, now have some broth, and I’m going back to my drawings. Stop looking at the leaves.
B : I want to see the last leaf fall, I’m tired of waiting, and I’m tired of thinking, I want to go just like last leaf

老: I’ve never heard of such a thing, how stupid to believe you would die because of a leaf, Bob’s good boy and he should not die
(Alex回到 Bob身邊)
B: pull up the shade, Alex. I want to see
B: oh~ the last leaf, I was sure it had fallen last night. I’m sure it’ll fall today and I will die at the same time
A: oh my dear. Think of me if you don’t think yourself, what will I do if you die?
旁: the day passed slowly, and that last leaf magically held on to the vine. The wind and the rain continued all night. When the sun can up again, the leaf was still there
B: Alex I’ve been a bad boy, wanting to die. Something made that last leaf stay on the wall to show me, how silly I was…. I think I’ll have some chicken soup now. No~ bring me a pillow, I want to sit up
美國黑金 2019-12-13 07:47:18

是男人必須有的 http://www.yyj.tw/