2008-01-18 14:00:38YCButterfly


Ceramics of different sizes and shapes were produced in Egypt from the Predynastic Period onwards. The potter took advantage of the residual clays of the Nile banks so that he only molded the clay and set it out to dry in the sun, then polished it with a stone and occasionally coated it with an ochre slip. The polishing gives the vessel its red hue while the black top and interior are black due to carbonization as the hot vessel was placed in a bed of smoldering chaff. The final vessels had excitingly variant shapes with modern overtones as is apparent from these few examples.
東北非- 古埃及的文化, 一直是考古學的焦點.
有許多文化由古至今都沒改變, 看過一部Discovery的DVD, 是有關非洲文化的傳承, 其中的非洲女人爭容鬥豔, 各個自年幼就以黑色染料將嘴唇的染黑, 至年長(十二歲)後再將牙齦也染黑.

上面這幾只陶器令我直接連想到那族群, 不知道是不是同一族人?
三季 2008-01-21 00:37:24



手製品以它獨特的造型, 很耐人尋味! 2008-02-02 15:38:37