2019-02-10 04:48:23wsoskmcyoeqg

【省錢達人】NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠 特惠活動銷售排行榜


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NUK First Choice Plus Starter Set Glass - Silicone

The NUK First Choice Starter Set comes with glass bottles (2 x 120 ml, 2 x 240 ml) including First Choice Plus silicone-spouts and a robust bottle box. It is the perfect gift for new parents.

Once your little one has arrived the whole house is filled with joy. Since there is plenty to do and to organise parents ask themselves, even long time before actually giving birth, what products they really need to buy. As a starter set, NUK has designed the First Choice+ Starter Set Glass - Silicone. This premium set provides everything needed from the very first day on. It is equipped with a bottle box that keeps up to six NUK First Choice or other NUK Baby Bottles. The box is made of light and very robust polypropylene (PP).

The set contains four NUK First Choice Baby Glass Bottles with great motifs: for baby's small appetite there are two bottles with each holding 120 ml and two bigger bottles that can be filled with 240 ml each. Advantages of baby bottles made of glass are both versatile and obvious: they are extremely durable, hygienic, eco-friendly and super easy to clean. The handy screw ring ensures easy opening and closing of the bottles. The wide bottle neck makes it super simple for you to fill and clean them.

Each NUK First Choice+ Baby Bottle of the Starter Set is equipped with a NUK silicone drinking spout with an extra wide lip rest and perfect for baby's jaw. Furthermore, the spouts offer your little one the same familiar and safe feeling given while being breastfed. The spouts' NUK Anti-Colic Air System reduces the risk of infantile colic, since baby swallows considera熱銷商品僅此一檔bly less air while drinking. All NUK First Choice Glass Bottles are suitable for being combined with bottle and breast feeding your child and grow with him or her - when your little one grows the bottles can easily be combined with other NUK First Choice+ spouts and lids.

The four bottles of the set come standing in a convenient plastic-box that can be used as a place to store, drain or transport up to six bottles and other accessories.

The NUK First Choice+ Starter Set Glass - Silicone is the perfect basic kit that helps your child doing their first steps growing up.


  • Including 4 NUK First Choice Baby Bottles made of glass with a wide bottle neck and fanciful motifs and colours; BPA-free*

  • 2 x 120 ml with silicone spout, size 1 (0 - 6 months) S (extra-small holes for thin food)

  • 2 x 240 ml with silicone spout, size 1 (0 - 6 months) M (medium holes for formula)

  • Non-slip screw ring for easy opening and closing the bottle

  • Bottle box that keeps up to six NUK First Choice Bottles

  • High-quality manufacturing

  • PBA-free and pollutant-tested

  • Made in Germany




NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠





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NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠

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使用評比, NUK First Choice 網拍熱門產品人氣產品Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠

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評測文, NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠

CP值, NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠

評鑑大隊, NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠

部落客推薦, NUK First Choice Plus 玻璃奶瓶入門套件,矽膠

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