2006-09-06 19:31:36lavi~*


Independent - is an adjective that means 獨立, 自主, 自治

Independent according to Oxford dictionary - /adj/ 1. not dependent on or controlled by (ohters/things) 2. self-governing 3. not dependent on others for a living

Independent according to lavi C. 2006 - /adj/

1. can make right decision and judgement for yourself; not relying on others opinion

2. able to take care of yourself on your own

3. will be fine alone when handling/doing one thing

maybe i am not that INDEPENDENT yet, i still rely others to give me some opinion, suggestion, when making decision

But really, i see no serious harm of it

sometimes people are able to give you some views that you will never think of

Whats the definition of independent....... by you????