2008-06-10 15:16:53*.KATIE BB.*

Cries Like a Babe


”Dear baby laopo..Im on the way 2 airport now and its raining like
crazy! Do take the taxi home 2day ok?
I been checking the calender 4 my schedule, its not as bad as we think it is. I will be staying min. 3 days and max. 5 days each time im back. So it will be less painful than we thought. And u will come 2 me every month as well.
Be my cute little baby and try not 2 be sad ok. It hurts when I see
u cry. Be careful on ur way 2 work and back home. Watch ur steps
walking down the stairs, and be careful walking off ur bed. U r so
clumsy.. Dont make me worry ok?
And b, buy the insect killing medicine if u have time. I dont think they are a threat cuz they small. Dont be afraid.. I love u bb. I promise u will hear from me every day and night!
B4 u know im back hugging u again. Be a strong girl 4 ten days. Ok? See u very soon. I love u and miss u much”


”B...plz plz have vege when u order ur meal in HK, and follow the
rule of fastfood that I told u! Im so worried abt ur health, cuz
Im not around u n cant stop u eating fried chicken like crazy!..
Still feel crying now, itz like sth forces me 2 become an adult
n deal w all the stuff on my own Right Now! But i still wanna be ur
little pigu talk like a babe n act like a babe..
I love u, and I need u honey. And i’ve been missing u so much since
u left in the morning.. Take care bb, I will be good n wait 4 u.”
2008-06-14 11:44:07


2008-06-11 17:41:48


*.KATIE BB.* 2008-06-11 10:38:45
