2004-03-21 19:58:00麥斯

Essay #4 From genotype to phenotype - from DNA to characters

How do genetic changes affect personality?

Most of the traits of a person are determined by the genetic material, such as eye color, ear lobes, complexion, sex, etc. When a gene is expressed through protein synthesis, the character is then shown and the behavior of that organism is affected.

A gene is a segment of DNA that determines a character and hence a basic unit of inheritance. Each gene has 2 or more alternative forms called allele. Each allele determines a particular character. When a gene is being transcripted to an mRNA and translated into a polypeptide chain with further folding and coiling into a functional or structural protein, it is said to be expressed. As the functional protein maybe an enzyme that catalyzes the metabolic reaction or a neurohormone that regulates the transmission of nerve impulse, the gene whether being ‘switched on or off’ is a vital factor of the physiological state of a person.

Certain genetic changes, i.e. mutation of a gene, bring about the effect of abnormal development of the internal nervous system. When a sensory neurone is stimulated and sends off a nerve impulse to the relay neurone, the neurotransmitters have to travel through the synapse to the receptor of another neurone. If there is a genetic change results in the under-production of certain neurotransmitter, the nerve impulse cannot be transmitted. This results in some disease, like depression. On the contrary, if there is a over-production of certain neurotransmitter, the neurones will be over stimulated and sends off excessive nerve impulse. This could lead to some problems, such as hyperactive or aggressiveness. Therefore, the production of neurotransmitter plays a very important role of the personality or behavior of a person.

On top of that, there is also mutation of genes that affects the production of neurohormone. Some researches stated that there are certain kinds of neurohormone that affect one’s sexuality. It claimed homosexuality is a result of an imbalance of such chemical produced in the human body. Other researches also claimed that the parenting behavior of mammals is also a consequence of an inherited gene which has its advantage on increasing the chance of the survival of the younger mammals.

It is obviously that the genes being expressed play a leading role of one’s behavior and character. Any significant changes in the gene will certainly affect one’s character as the nervous system is being disturbed by such changes.