2008-09-29 23:41:34鮪魚

爵士推薦~ Stefano Di Battista / Trouble Shootin

鮪魚要改變一下寫 Blog 的風格~ 發生在生命中有無數值得記載的事物,但又犯概念潔癖,要嘛就想把文章寫得很完整,要嘛就懶得寫;這樣的話許多美好片刻就這樣在指縫中溜掉。

鮪魚愛上這位義大利裔 Saxaphonist, 是在認識他之前。就是直接聽到音樂就愛上他的吹奏,直接有力毫不猶豫,鮪魚無法太專精的給予類比,但 stefano 的演奏, 就想起已故偉大的 michael brecker!


btw, 博客來網站中的曲目是錯的; Back at the Chicken Shack 等那些是 Jimmy Smith 的曲子~ 真是的果然需要人給他 ’故障排除’ 一番

Stepano 的第一曲是 I Will Love You, 真是好聽的一首作曲, 有空抓下來演奏一下~
Gin 2008-10-13 16:21:54

Stefano is also a member of Elvin Jones Jazz Machine. He got an album "Stefano Di Battista" inviting Elvin Jones to play, really nice.

yes yes, definitely! Flavio Boltro's trumpet is awesome too! and it has been a well known fact that Stefano played with the late Michel Petrucciani. Let's not forget to mention the great pianist Baptiste Trotignon in this album i wrote for. I should not miss his albums like parker's mood or this one you mentioned ^^ 2008-10-13 23:10:50