2005-05-09 11:34:07君~

A sad experience

Today,I am very unhappy because I write the wrong application no in my application exam.I also forget to bring my correction tape so that my writing looks very bad.
How can I describe my feeling now?I fall in extremely sadness.I always make lots of careless mistakes. How can I forgive myself.
I realize my failures not causing by my poor knowledge but my foolish carelessness.I cannot count how many times I have made the similar mistake.I cannot remember how many times I have forgot those mistakes.I cannot remember how many times I scolded myself.
Every time,I have reminded myself not to make the same mistake again but I always make it again and again.How foolish I am! What a careless girl I am!
I know if I can't enter this university, I will not forgive myself.I have given many chances and pretexts to myself. I presuade myself those faults to be destined.
If I don't easily forgive my faults, I will not make such a foolish mistake again and again.
I swear that I will not allow myself to make them again.I have to remind myself always.I really cannot allow the same things happening again.