2004-09-16 15:33:51Luvox


臺灣的特有淡水魚類 Endemic freshwater fish species in Taiwan
There are about 220 species freshwater fish(淡水魚) in Taiwan. They are about endemic species or endemic sub-species among them, these have been over 20 species are in danger of extinction or extinction.

Freshwater fish live in the rivers, lakes, pools, and reservoirs etc. Some of them are spiny-backed fish, such as the Anguilla marmorata Quoy& Gaimard(鱸鰻), but when the habitats are destroyed or changed--- the pollution of industry waste water, dam and check dam(攔沙壩) building, river canalized(河川渠道化), will effect their living.
Especially the pollution of water quality, even though let the whole river fish died. Therefore, sustainable managing rivers is the first step to protest the Taiwan . Furthermore, , the exotic fish -such as the tilapia(吳郭魚), Many-rayed Sailfin Sucker Catfish( Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus )(琵琶魚) , they have serious changed the composition of Taiwan original fish species.
And illegal poisoning fish and electrocuting fish, over fishing also seriously damage the fish resources of rivers. Protesting our resource of freshwater fish, it did cannot delay.

學名:Liobagrus formosanus Regan
Its body color is yellow-brown, no scales, and 富黏液, there are 4 pair barbels on its head. It distribes among the rushing midstream of Da-jai river, Da-lou river, and 濁水溪
Or deep pool. It is small 小型底棲性魚類, it actives at night, it feeds on water insects and 小型底棲動物.
學名:Pseudogobio brevirostris (Gunther)
Its body is slim and short. Its back has 5-6 large black spots. And
It likes to rest under the rocks of rivers. Pseudogobio brevirostris feed together, and feed on the algae and water insects.
學名: Candidia barbata (Regan)

學名: Scaphesthes alticorpus (Oshima)

學名:Sinogastromyzon puliensis Liang
常貼在岩石上,腹面平坦,背部隆起,頭背部具大小不等的深褐色塊狀斑。分布於西部河川中游,具圓石、漂石底質的急湍河段。底棲性,以附著 在石頭上的藻類與水棲昆蟲為食。
It often stick on the rocks. Its flat, and back is , there are non dark- brown spots in its head. It distribted around midstream of westen river--- round stone and stone rush stream. It feed on the algae and water insects.

籓??Τ?跔?笆 endemic invertebrate species in Taiwan 種禜(蒭繨) imagine (蒭繨paper sculpture) 籓?硇羥砼纓Cheirotonus macleayi formosanus Ohaus 毟犱柽??碔 the author: hung fu-shin
the animals are divided into invertebrates(?跔?笆) and chordates(?跔?笆), the classify depand on they have the chine or not. the invertebrates don't have the chine in their body, including the simple animals(several phyla) ( 椀?笆) , Chordates(phylum Chordata)(肦?笆),cnidarians (phylum Cnidaria) (的竮笆),flatworms (phylum PLATYELMIA)舦糉笆,roundworms(phylum Nematoda) (蛾糉笆)杦Molluscs(phylum Annelida)?砰笆杦segmented worms(phylum Annelida)(吏竊笆)杦arthropods(phylum Arthropoda)竊狍笆and echinoderms(phylum Echinoderms)雌?笆 etc. .they are classify into the low level. inverterbrates are many kind groups and a lot of mounts. they play the important roles in the ecosystem, people don't really know them.
The researches of invertebrates in Taiwan are very rare, therefore the basic data of endemic species have not been ?俱. but among the invertebrates living on the land, the inscents of arthropods--espeacical butterflies researches have a beter ?俱 basic data. otherwise, the crabs of arthropods aslo have a few data.

there are about 400 species butterflies in Taiwan, that are classified 11 classes, including about 50 species are emdimic species or emdimic sub-species. 濯虫虬堦縩?摸?τ?, Butterfly species in Taiwan are more than Japan, Korean, Malaysia that geography closely Taiwan, 込粮, Taiwan is called "kingdom of butterflies".

but, by the polluation increasing, the mountain land are develop and used ?耞雫, the butterflies habits are changed. The nectariferous plants and
?吏??慧? Papilio hoppo Matsumura縄??? Sasakia charonda formosana Shirozu榔?? Atrohpaneura horishana (Matsumura)籓?猧矰?? Ypthima