2004-09-15 18:06:49Luvox


蝴蝶的特徵 characteristics of the butterfly


butterflies are one kind of insects that belong to the order of Lepidoptera. Their body are structure of the chitin. Audlt butterflies just like others insecents, they all have six legs and three body parts- a head, a thorax, and an abdomen,and two pairs of wings. Compaired with moths, butterflies' antennaes are stick-shaped or club-shaped, and they usually rest with their wing folded up or sometimes fanned.

蝴蝶的身體結構 the structure of butterflies

以紅星斑蛺蝶為例(蛺蝶之足已退化為4足)。for the examples of Hestina assimilis formosana (Moore)(the fritillary had
degenerated to four legs.)

圖之文字:複眼 胸部 觸角 頭部 口器 足 腹部 前翅 翅室 翅脈 後翅

compound eye (複眼) thorax(胸部) antennaes(觸角) head(頭部) mothparts(口器) leg(足) abdomen(腹部) forewings(前翅) wing cell(翅室) wing vein (翅脈) hindwings(後翅)