2004-10-29 06:33:32*玫瑰天秤*


the first thing she did after comin back from her trip
was screaming to at the door she just opened
she did not even see my face yet
she was downstair at the door, i was upstair in my room
all she did was yellin at me from very far below
for some rediculous things she accussed me of
"u never take care of the house...u never take responsibilities...
why u came back in the afternoon instead of morning?"
im not ur fuckin slave...so wut the dogs stay home few hours by themselves once in a while? the dogs are way more important than me
the fact is i walked the dogs nd did wutever i could to take care everythin while shes away
seriously. wut the fuck she want me to take care of?
wut the fuck was there anythin to do?
wipe the floor and kiss her ass?
feed my bro with a spoon of rice for every bite?

i held back and took all the anger inside
after 5 min, she went to do her stuff
and when she finally see me
she questioned me with ANOTHER thing
i did not do in the most annoying tone
i shut my mouth hope she would stop her non-sense
she just kept goin and going for some things i did not even know of
she asked "did you put the phone in the backyard? now its all wet"
i said "no"
and she got angry because my words never went thru her ears
"you must be the one, u r iresponsbile, u r ignorant, useless, u should be outta the house"

within 15 min she was home from her trip
she alredy asked me to move out
and accused me of 2 things i did not even expect for
things she said that make her
the most selfish and stubborn person on earth

fucking bitch...
i really dont want her in my life anymore
theres no discussion happenin btw us
because to her im useless and ignorent and selfish

she just wants me to be a wasted bastard who stays at home
stayin at home to her means "caring for family"
wut about when my master audition is coming up and i dont have enough time to practice...it means nothing to her
how about when our house is under construction and cant practice piano due to the loud noise and i go ubc to practice...all it means to her is that i never take responsibility for the house.
while my bro can go to school and i cant
while she and my bro can watch badminton games for fun i still have to sacrifice my time to go to ubc and practice and stay home did absolutely nothing
while my practice hours are not enuff...piano lessons are such a waste and not much progress and audition days are coming closer and closer.
everyone who applys for master practice like hell and i guess parents are supposed to be happy and supportive about that
when i said i want to go to US her first answer is do u have money?
while dad says dont worry about the money choose the school thats best for you. i dont know wut i am in her heart
while i should fly away and look for more outside here...
she said if u r just gettin a master degree, why waste money to usa or toronto. stayin at ubc is the best.
i cant believe wut i am hearing......