2004-10-15 14:25:38*玫瑰天秤*

am i being thought of in a special way? (Diary)

it doesnt take a second to cheer me up
i just need a warm smile that promises me forever

it doesnt take a dollar to make me happy
i just need to feel bein cared in the right place at the right time

i dun even know what makes my day
i just need miracles to happen in an unexpected way

i dunno why my hands carry so much tears
waiting for the right words to come out
and the signs for the hopes that i've been longing for

i just need to be thought of in a special way...

little things brought me up and down
some sweet words and things ppl hav said nd done
made me realize...some happiness only exists in memory

i wonder...
am i being thought of in a special way again?

i miss...a lot of things...