2019-06-30 04:47:56tdtjz1jd7vll

【限時優惠卷】Odenw-lder 小號腳袋 Carlo 網購人氣產品限時產品

這幾天小光來我家玩,看到Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Carlo


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Carlo


雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Carlo



Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Carlo











Odenwälder Footmuff Carlo 設計式樣: schwarz

Odenwälder's footmuff Carlo stands out as one of the most practical all-round footmuffs and supplies your child with maximum protection on cold days. Carlo is suitable for all regular infant car seat carriers as well as for hard and soft carrycots.

Both the cuddly comfort fibre on the inside as well as the water-resistant functional high-tech fabric on the outside contribute to Carlo's protective features. This way, your little one can accompany you on travels while being protected and kept warm at all times. Another practical feature is that the footmuff Carlo can be installed in hard and soft carrycots too and thus offers your child a safe and snug place wherever you go. The warming active-fleece fabric feels super comfortable and keeps your little warm when it's cold outside. In case of hard wind or rainfall, you can easily create a mummy-shaped head area that prevents wet and wind from reaching your child. The cuddly protection on the zip's end supplies your little adventurer with optimum comfort.

The long zip reaches all over the bottom. Once it is wide open, it enables you to put your child in and out of the footmuff easily. Even fastening your little one with the harness is no problem. Usually, the temperature change from the cold outside to the warmth inside feels uncomfortable for tiny humans. That is why, Odenwälder has designed the footmuff with an easy-to-use zip that can be opened with only one hand. This way, the footmuff can be opened quickly so that any heat accumulation can be avoided.

Odenwälder's footmuff supplies your child with safety and warmth wherever you go. High-quality materials and great features - made in Germany.


  • Suitable for all infant car seat carriers (group 0), soft carrycots and hard carrycots

  • Patented extended seat unit suitable for any belt system (up to five-point harness)

  • Mummy shaped head section, safety bag for storing drawstring

  • Draughtproof and water resistant

  • Zip that reaches all over the bottom, chin protector

  • Outer material: functional high-tech fabric; filling: cuddly comfort fibre, inner material: warming active-fleece fabric

  • Size: Length 81 cm

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Machine washable at 40°C, dryer-proof

  • Made in Germany




Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Carlo





NBA/詹皇史上最快達成3萬2千分 快追上籃球之神喬丹

湖人隊好手「詹皇」LeBron James今天在對溜馬隊2018熱銷商品暢銷排行比賽中,不但拿超過雙位數得分,他也在第三節完成他生涯3萬2千分得分,下一位得分排行榜成員就是「籃球之神」Michael Jordan。

LeBron James是目前NBA史上第五位達成3萬2千分的球員,在他之前還有Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Karl Malone, Kobe Bryant還有Michael Jordan。

獨行俠隊還有Dirk Nowitzki目前有機會挑戰3萬2千分,他目前維持3萬1275分。

LeBron James在上半場就拿下13分,他以34歲又37天的年紀,成為史上最年輕達成3萬2千分的球員。

Michael Jordan生涯累積32292分,Kobe Bryant則是33643分,都是LeBron James追求的目標。

▲LeBron James(圖/美聯社/達志影像)

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Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Carlo

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好用嗎?, Odenw?網購人氣產品限時產品lder 小號腳袋 Carlo
