2014-04-02 14:46:31流浪阿狗




有一年,學校辦舞會,我們的樂團也理所當然地上台去演唱幾首歌湊個熱鬧。記得好像才唱了一、兩首,就有一位女孩跳到台前來問說:『會不會唱《Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da》?』看我們沒什麼反應,接著又問:『那《Dizzy》呢?』此時,我們那位主奏吉他手酷酷的回了她一句:『Next』。說來也巧,下一首我們準備要唱的歌曲,真的就是這首《Dizzy》。

這是Tommy Roe在1969所推出的單曲,在英、美、加均獲得排行榜的冠軍,也是他最出名的代表作。而Tommy Roe在60年代後期被認為是位泡泡糖歌手,這首《Dizzy》也很顯然的被歸類是一首bubblegum pop。這首歌的特色是有四個調,而且在主副歌中來回經過了11次的變調。

這首歌當年好像是被翻成「眼花撩亂」還是「暈眩」什麼的。看看現在的社會抗爭及政治紛擾,真的也讓許多人Dizzy --- 頭昏眼花了。



I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin'
Like a whirlpool, it never ends
And it's you, girl, makin' it spin
You're makin' me dizzy
First time that I saw you, girl, I knew that I just had to make you mine
But it's so hard to talk to you with fellas hangin' round you all the time
I want you for my sweet pet
But you keep playin' hard to get
Goin' around in circles all the time
I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin'
Like a whirlpool, it never ends
And it's you, girl, makin' it spin
You're makin' me dizzy
I finally got to talk to you and I told you just exactly how I felt
Then I held you close to me and kissed you and my heart began to melt
Girl, you've got control of me
'Cause I'm so dizzy I can't see
I need to call a doctor for some help
I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin'
Like a whirlpool, it never ends
And it's you, girl, makin' it spin
You're makin' me dizzy
My head is spinnin'
Like a whirlpool, it never ends
And it's you, girl, makin' it spin
You're makin' me dizzy
Oh, I'm so dizzy
You're makin' me dizzy


susan 2017-07-09 23:49:47

版大的老歌亂談,完全是經典,我會常常來偷學 ^^

我比較少貼妳愛唱的抒情歌曲,歡迎常來玩! 2017-07-10 05:06:31
大耳飛兔 2014-04-09 17:12:10



大耳飛兔 2014-04-09 15:02:30


音樂及歌詞沒什麼「深度」的歌曲稱之為泡泡糖流行曲(bubblegum pop),由於曲風歡樂、輕快、流暢,主要是針對青少年的市場。經常發行此類歌曲的歌手,就會被稱為泡泡糖歌手。 2014-04-09 18:15:07