2007-01-06 23:51:07小丘

Fast food

Good afternoon everyone .
What come to your mind when you hear the words “fast food”? Junk food? High calories? Are these what are associated with fast food in your mind?
I agree that we should not eat too much junk food because we are what we eat. However, I don’t think we should stop ourselves from eating fast food all the time because it is a culture. If you are going to have dinner with your lover, you probably would prefer a restaurant with dim lights or even candle nights because it gives you a feeling of romance. If you are going out with some teenage friends, eating something after a ball game, you would probably go for hamburgers and soft drinks as you will feel more relax.
Also, if you are in a hurry, of course, you will eat fast food rather than have dim sum in a Chinese restaurant.
If you want to live a fulfilling life, you have to do right thing at right time.

*This speech was delievered on Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival, 12th December 2006.