2006-10-01 16:59:10不再迷幻一直都是謊言

【The discussion over the war.】

Today,I discussed something with a good debater,and we broached a subject of wars:how about the existence of the wars??and how about the value of this ones??This is the axiology with so many different point in our brian,and it brings people into argle-bargle.We still have a world but,it always be with many different way to go,thus,we can refer all the things to every parts which are our thought ever.

Through our colloquy,we got a conclusion for sure,and that is:no conclusion.


We have dissimilar thought in this way,and we haven’t occured simultaneously.

In my point of view,War is an emptiness,so abhorrent,a part of fraction of the whole,baleful,filthy,hideous and nothing has to be when a war erupts.So many children die and a good deal of dead bodis build a unfair site.They are unable to support themselves because the rifle reports and the grenades mean to threaten.

War is a murder and it is not a door to heaven.

Nevertheless,in his opinion,an another viewpoint from a good debater,war is really bad but it will start a beginning.

What this word does he means?

At the outset,war creats the annihilation and symbol of a bane to whole people,but it starts a new page for whole world after blazing.

How about another good reasons for the value of war?I want to have something fun with your opinion.