2006-01-17 21:42:32smallkai


today...i really want to eat fried noodles a,,,ai,.,.walk with cell for long and finally have to eat dim sum and cheese cake,,haha

so hapi that i can make frds with fiona and cell,,,,also christina,,,she finally back la,,,it seems everything turns back to before gum,,so hapi a,,,,,,

and fiona used the photo of us in the grad din in her msn ,,,,ahaa,,,dunno y,,,i feel that our relationship seems to be better and better as before gum la,,so hapi

Hope she always find me as her listener,,,,although i cannot help her a lot,,,,

ai,,,thailand,,,,accounting,,,wt should i do??

but accounting,,,ai,,,can take the next series so that i can study well for it,,,,,

Wt should i decide???