2007-10-20 23:52:00weiwei

Confusing English words

Have you ever thought of these words?
Do they look odd to you?

Garpe+fruit≠grapefruit 葡萄+水果≠葡萄柚
Rubber+band≠rubber band 橡皮+樂團≠橡皮筋
Running+ nose≠running nose 跑步+鼻子≠流鼻涕
Egg+plant≠eggplant 蛋+植物≠茄子
Pine+apple≠pineapple 松樹+蘋果≠鳳梨
Car+nation≠carnation 車子+國家≠康乃馨
Ham+burger≠hamburger 火腿+漢堡牛肉餅≠漢堡
Guinea+pig≠guinea pig 幾內亞+豬≠天竺鼠
Pea+cock≠peacock 豌豆+公雞≠孔雀
Butter+fly≠butterfly 奶油+蒼蠅≠蝴蝶
Dragon+fly≠dragonfly 龍+蒼蠅≠蜻蜓
Couch+potato≠couch potato 長沙發+馬鈴薯≠成天看電視的人
Straw+burry≠strawburry 稻草+ 多芒刺的≠草莓
Belly+button≠belly button 肚子+鈕扣≠肚臍
walk+man≠walkman 走+男人≠隨身聽