2007-02-04 21:35:48理書

Child:Magical / Innocent 神奇的/天真的孩童 (美芳)

神奇的孩童代表了我們內在容易被吸引或令人著迷的特質.他可看出在所有事物中可能存在神聖美好的那一面.我們可從狄更斯的著作”耶誕頌歌” (Christmas Carol)中的Tiny Tim 和Anne Frank兩位主角個性中窺見這樣的特質.在Anne的日記裡提到:雖然她們家為了躲納粹而藏身在阿姆斯特丹的小閣樓裏,家中又接二連三發生不幸的事,此時的她仍相信人性是善的.她的洞察力 (insight),對於受到戰爭摧殘與種族迫害的人們發揮了鼓舞的效果,讓大家在危機中還可以看出生活中美好的那一面.

從名字中的聯想大家可能會覺得天真者的原型指的僅僅就是孩童中快樂的特質,但是Anne Frank和Tiny Tim 卻證明了,在面對困境時,他們仍具有智慧與勇氣的特質.

法國詩人波特萊爾(Baudelaire)寫道”天才是回到童年時光”(”genius is childhood recaptured”),在這樣的解讀下,神奇的孩童就某部分而言也是一種天才. 神奇的孩童被賜與充滿能量的想像力並且相信任何事都是有可能的.但陰暗面的力量會顯現在奇蹟可能沒有出現;或是沒辦法使惡的變成好的.在討論夢想時,悲觀和壓抑的態度常會出現在受傷的神奇孩童身上,因為他的夢想曾被大人譏笑為愚蠢的.這個陰影像是一個信念提醒著他;努力與行動是不必要的,而使的他躲入幻想裏.

ET中的巴里摩(Drew Barrymore)
火樹銀花(Meet Me in St. Louis)中的馬格麗特.奧布賴恩
我美好的生活(Ma Vie en Rose)中的喬治.菲涅耳(註 1)
Shirley Temple in Good Ship Lollipop.(找不到)

小王子(The Little Prince) 安東尼. 聖修伯里著
長筒襪皮皮系列(Pippi Longstocking) 愛思翠著
愛麗絲夢遊仙境(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) 卡羅爾著
愛麗絲鏡中奇緣(Through the Looking-Glass )卡羅爾著
愛麗絲的發現(What Alice Found) 卡羅爾著


註1 我美好的生活(Ma Vie en Rose)
Child: Magical/Innocent (美芳)
The Magical Child represents the part of us that is both enchanted and enchanting to others. It sees the potential for sacred beauty in all things, exemplified by Tiny Tim in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, and by Anne Frank, who wrote in her diary that in spite of all the horror surrounding her family while hiding from Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam, she still believed that humanity was basically good. Her insights offered at a time when most people were collapsing under the weight of war and persecution continue to inspire people to seek out the wondrous side of life, even in a crisis.
One might assume from the name that this archetype refers to only the delightful qualities of children, but as demonstrated by Anne Frank and Tiny Tim, it also embodies qualities of wisdom and courage in the face of difficult circumstances.
Baudelaire wrote that ”genius is childhood recaptured,” and in that sense the Magical Child is something of a genius too. The Magical Child is gifted with the power of imagination and the belief that everything is possible. The shadow energy of the Magical Child manifests as the absence of the possibility of miracles and of the transformation of evil to good. Attitudes of pessimism and depression, particularly when exploring dreams, often emerge from an injured Magical Child whose dreams were ”once upon a time” thought foolish by cynical adults. The shadow may also manifest as a belief that energy and action are not required, allowing one to retreat into fantasy.
Films: Drew Barrymore in E.T.; Margaret O’Brien in Meet Me in St. Louis; George du Fresne in Ma Vie en Rose; Shirley Temple in Good Ship Lollipop.
Fiction: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exup廨y; Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll.
Religion/Myth: Merlin (in Arthurian legend, the ”child without a father” who was about to be sacrificed when he saved himself by displaying magic greater than the King’s sorcerers).