2007-01-02 15:06:17理書

Child: Wounded 受傷孩童 (瑀玲)

受傷小孩原型抓住了在童年忍受過的受虐、被忽視、和其他創傷的記憶。《特別是這個模式變成治療的焦點後,大多數的人可能與這種模式相關,及接受在分析成人遭遇中成為一個主要的罪犯》。 挑選受傷小孩暗示你相信你早期痛苦和受虐的經驗是真實的在影響你的成年生活。例如,許多人會指責他們的受傷小孩,對於他們後來功能不良的人際關係。
電影:Diana Scarwid in Mommie Dearest; Dean Stockwell in The Secret Garden; Linda Blair in The Exorcist; Natalie Wood in The Miracle on 34th Street; Leonardo di Caprio in This Boy’s Life; Jon Voight in Midnight Cowboy.
小說:當地兒子(Native Son by Richard Wright);孤雛淚(Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens)

Child: Wounded
The Wounded Child archetype holds the memories of the abuse, neglect, and other traumas that we have endured during childhood. This may be the pattern people relate to the most, particularly since it has become the focus of therapy and accepted as a major culprit in the analysis of adult suffering. Choosing the Wounded Child suggests that you credit the painful and abusive experiences of your childhood with having a substantial influence on your adult life. Many people blame their Wounded Child, for instance, for all their subsequent dysfunctional relationships.
The painful experiences of the Wounded Child archetype often awaken a deep sense of compassion and a desire to find a path of service aimed at helping other Wounded Children. From a spiritual perspective, a wounded childhood cracks open the learning path of forgiveness. The shadow aspect may manifest as an abiding sense of self-pity, a tendency to blame your parents for your current shortcomings and to resist moving on through forgiveness.
Films: Diana Scarwid in Mommie Dearest; Dean Stockwell in The Secret Garden; Linda Blair in The Exorcist; Natalie Wood in The Miracle on 34th Street; Leonardo di Caprio in This Boy’s Life; Jon Voight in Midnight Cowboy.
Fiction: Native Son by Richard Wright; Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
Religion/Myth: The Amazons (warrior women of Greek myth who, as children, had their right breast removed to facilitate the use of bow and arrow, their chief weapon)
espresso 2007-01-02 15:07:29

