2004-04-28 12:02:00寒雨夜冷宿江客

Talk with Japanes

現在常常必須跟日本人討論一些project的狀況,每星期還要用電話跟日本連線meeting,這時候就會強烈的體會到語言的重要,不過藉這個機會可以跟日本人交談,感覺也蠻新鮮的,而且這個日本客戶一開始用的語氣,聽了實在令人覺得有趣,他都用很誇大的語氣來表達他的感受,像是他會說,I am very very happy to receive your new BIOS…蠻好笑的,因為這也不是太天大的事情,不需要這麼誇張
也是那幾句例如,If you have any question,Please let me know.這句使用率高達90%以上還有結尾時,總是會加上Best regards,不然就是 Thank you in advance,然後日本人名子稱呼都習慣加一個桑,所以我就叫Ashing-san(啊信桑)
底下就是我最近剛跟日本客戶溝通完的一件事, Intel 搞了兩星期結果解
了一個Bug後卻又弄了一個更大的bug,其實這個問題,根本就是給Intel video去
解就好了跟我們其實無關, Intel有老大哥的心態,常常叫他們support他們都
他回 “So, what's your next step?”這句給我時,其實我覺有點氣,因為這不是我該解的問題,那時我真想回他,”吃飯跟睡覺”.大概因為他也急了,已到了最階段,然後Intel又叫不動,叫Intel改可能又要拖個兩個星期,那就不用出貨啦.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ashing Tsai
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 12:30 PM
Saito san,

Unfortunately, combine 3116 Video BIOS with mtg_3181.ssf have the same issue à(attached file mo13116.bin)
And the bios.rom in SSF_Vbios_Sbios.zip also have the same issue
But I used the old mtg_3181.ssf and VBIOS(3181) without the same issue.
à (attached file mo13181.bin)
Best Regards,

Ashing Tsai
-----Original Message-----
From: Naoki Saito [mailto:n-saito@pj.jp.nec.com]
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 12:15 PM

So, what's your next step? Can you investigate the root cause of garbage issue based on 3116 Video BIOS and mtg_3181.ssf combination?
Or, can you find out "WXGA solution" in mtg_3181.ssf file? If you can do it, you can implement "WXGA solution" into your 3181 Video BIOS and old mtg_3181.ssf combination.
Best Regards,

N. Saito
-----Original Message-----
From: Ashing Tsai
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 8:06 PM
Dear Saito san,

I modified the mtg_3181.ssf and combined it with Vbios 3181 and 3116
They can fixed the instant key play DVD issue,also have the 1280*768 option in [display properties] ( Winxp).
But I don’t know whether have other issue,I will double check them on Monday next week.
Please also help me to check them.
If you have any question , Please let me know. thanks.
Best Regards,

Ashing Tsai
-----Original Message-----
From: Naoki Saito [mailto:n-saito@pj.jp.nec.com]
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 7:37 PM

Great! You fixed two problems on two BIOSes! Thank you very much. However, I also don't know which code base (3181 or 3116 Video BIOS) should be used. I need to ask our video engineer.
Best Regards,
N. Saito