2016-04-14 02:29:26shellyib4p2rb

情境英語 網路英文教學 finite verb中文意思是什麼

    線上免費英文學習 聽英文英語會話家教 全民英檢gept情境英語 網路英文教學英語遊學 英文網站學習 免費學習網全民英檢試題 英文作文家教學外語 托福 雅思 多益 真人線上英語教學英文情境會話 線上美語教學學測英文作文範例 美語補習班 全民英檢補習



finite verb中文意思是什麼

finite verb解釋

限定動多益補習班 評價 英語教學中心 英文家教老師詞。

  • finite: adj. 有限的;【語法】限定的;【數學】有窮的,有盡的。n. 〈the finite〉 有限(性); 〈集合詞〉有限物。adv. -ly ,-ness n.
  • verb: n. 【語法】動詞。 strong [weak] verbs 強[弱]變化動詞。 substantive [copulative] verbs 存在[連系]動詞。

  • Finite element analysis of aerofoil fatigue failure

  • The set of all strings over a finite alphabet can be generated by it.

  • The common hypotheses of the shell structure aren ' t alterative in the new finite element method, and it finishes the solution through the integral of the different laminas

  • Also, this paper studies the amendable methods of dynamic numeration model, and bring forward that optimized method can revise finite element model, while validating the construed results of structural mode is almost equal to true values

  • For a class of quadratic finite element diseretization systems of an elliptic boundary problem with jump coefficients under the unstructured quadrilateral grids, we are concerned with two kinds of quadratic lagrangian finite element equations, by analyzing the relationship between the linear finite element and quadratic finite element basis functions, a hew amg method is designed


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