2012-12-15 22:11:59Selena

Ada / 陳晉毅, 潘士凱, 林芷安, 李恩祺, 曾小芸

Hi Ada,

We're Alex(陳晉毅), Kevin(潘士凱), Annie(林芷安), Angela(李恩祺) and Milly(曾小芸).


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A letter from Ada...

annie 2012-12-24 19:31:26

I'm in 2 grade .
I like the zoo.
I like to read at home.
I'm going to have one too.
whem I have them I will call them Goldy and Selvr.
what do you like to do at home?
what your favorite part of school?

Awesome!! Annie, you did a SUPER great job!! So proud of you!! :)) 2013-01-08 10:08:15
李恩祺 2012-12-23 17:54:13


哈哈~ 辛苦你啦!! 我也看得頗痛苦!! @@~ 2012-12-24 09:51:46
李恩祺(Angela) 2012-12-23 17:51:32

3.My aunt has a cat he is cute