2012-12-15 22:01:47Selena

Declan / 蔡佳蓁, 廖婕妤, 蔡沛軒, 王佩珍, 陳妮可

Hi Declan,

We're Jennifer(蔡佳蓁), Cherry(廖婕妤), Leo(蔡沛軒), Jenny(王佩珍) and Nicole(陳妮可).


♫                              ♫                              ♫

A letter from Declan...

蔡佳蓁 2012-12-30 18:30:43

4peopl live with me.【有四個人跟我住在一起】 My brother,mom and dad.【我哥哥,媽媽和爸爸】

Jennifer, try more sentences!! I believe you can make it!! GO~ 2013-01-08 11:29:22
廖婕妤 2012-12-26 18:32:39

I live in Brooklyn New York.[我住在紐約的布魯克林]
I have 14 people in my family.[我有14個家人]
Do you have a pet?[你有寵物嗎?]

WOW~ 他有14個家人!! 下次回信可以請他介紹一下家人, 我好好奇哦!! XD 2013-01-08 11:28:16
廖婕妤 2012-12-25 22:24:25


It's OK!! No worries!! 2013-01-08 11:29:50