The article only served as references. It is the one who holds the brushes is the master. May the brilliance of colors shine within us.
Claude Monet, Studio Corner, 1861 Impressionist art is based on the use of color, which has to "draw" the motive without resorting to line.
At the beginning of his career, Monet used dark colors, as he did in the 'Studio Corner' marked by black shades. His painting evokes Courbet and the Realist School.
From 1860 on, Monet abandonned dark colors and worked from a palette limited to pure light colors. In 1905, answering a question about his colors, he wrote :
"As for the colors I use, what's so interesting about that ? I don't think one could paint better or more brightly with another palette. The most important thing is to know how to use the colors. Their choice is a matter of habit. In short, I use white lead, cadmium yellow, vermilion, madder, cobalt blue, chrome green. Tha t's all."
When his vision altered, Monet went on with working. He could know what color he used by the labels and the unvarying order he set them on the palette. « My bad sight means that I see everything through a mist," he wrote. «Even so it is beautiful, and that's what I would like to show. »
噢,睡的蠻熟的。Good night, Moon.