2007-05-20 19:46:54胖劉媽

Jokes on demand III

Good day!

Here are the jokes for this coming week.

1. Q: What do you get when an elephant sits on your friend?
A: A flat mate.
2. Q: What do you call a hippo with only one leg?
A: A hoppo!
3. Q: Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
A: To get to the bottom!

Enjoy it and have a wonderful week to everyone!
愛胖媽得瑞克 2007-05-21 22:04:01


瑪友友 2007-05-21 17:04:59


是我咖啡沒喝夠? 還是笑話太冷聽不懂?

今天是有點冷 (笑話和Auckland啦)

友友英文那麼好 當然看得懂
實在有問題 我再每日一詞 哈
2007-05-21 18:02:51