2008-07-09 22:13:56#-SARAH

School today rocked ^^

My very pretty timetable :D

Finished my show Tuesday
Dang nice lah
But the ending was sad, haha
Oh well…

Okay yesterday.. wahloa bu shuang can -.-
Woke up like 20 mins late but got to the bus stop on time
Then Chee Hooi was ranting bout the lao ah pek
Wahloa perv like hell man cheebye I throw you down the longkang also lah

Was late for school -.-
Then did stupid temperature taking
Er…. Then had math first period
Not like I even understand anything can
Just sit down there and look at people and stupid math problem
Don’t even KNOW how to do the damned math problem lah
Anyways I was colouring my timetable -.-

After that had Chinese
Look at teacher rant on and on…

Recess was great
Have I mentioned how much I love recess??
Went to ‘eat’ (I didn’t eat again) with Yee Teng and Kaixin
Damned fun :D

Kimberly: (comes over holding a bowl of porridge)
Kaixin: HEY HEY HEY SIT HERE! (makes a space next to her)
Kimberly: Okay (puts bowl of porridge down)
Kaixin: (starts eating the porridge)
Kimberly: Wow I sat here just to share my porridge

Mmm after that, Yee Teng, Kaixin, Yiyao and me went to the bathroom and helped Kaixin tie her hair
Damned funnnnn!! :D
Then we were doing damned exaggerated version of it :P
Fun lorrrr :D
Yiyao, we totally rock, man!
After we went back to class, was talking to Shaun, Eugene and Kimberly, er and that class chairdude also, I forgot his name ><
Er yea was damned funny hahah
I love 2G lah they’re all damned fun and nice
Its just the bloody lessons that I can’t stand
Cheebye can
Sit there for so long don’t even have any idea what the effed up teacher’s talking about lah wtf
And its so freaking boring too lah cannot stand it alamak man
Today was like THIS CLOSE to walking straight out of Math and Bio

Bio after that was like so boring can
Just sit down there and stare out of the window -.-
Continued talking about Respiration.
What the heck man I don’t care -.-

Did the weirdo essay
Anyhow write one -.-
Then never check
Write until hand pain, man -.-
Then after that continued to text :P
Like whole day texting in class, man xD

Assembly after that was so retarded -.-
Was sitting next to Shaun and Wenhui
Was watching some random Malay music group -.-
Then… what Chan Mali Chan song…
Alamak, man!
I remember Weibin used to go all Chia Mei Ping Chia on me -.-
Retarded, man
Shaun asked me to go ask them where the radio was Xd
HAHA damned funny
Then me, Cindy and Wenhui were untying each other’s shoelaces :D
Saw Ziyu in assembly
When she saw me she was just like, OH MY GOSH
She was like in complete shock, man
Was cool lah :D
So long never see her alrdy (:

PDP after that was damned fun
Was in like the same group as Cindy, Amelia, Kimberly, Lois, Ziqian, A dude(no idea what his name was), Alicia and that’s it.. I think…
Then were cutting the mags and anyhow pasting hahahaha fun like don’t know what :D
Got dismissed kinda’ late after that

Went home after that
Wahloa Saturday got to go for bloody speech day cheebye can
Totally don’t want to go
Mom say must go -.-
At least Cindy and Shaun are going :D

Okay.wasn’t a very good day -.-

Today right, woke up really late ><
But still managed to reach school on time :D

Chinese was as boring as helll
Almost fell asleep -.-
Even Kaixin agreed that it was super boring
Teacher continued to crap about zuowens -.-
Wahloa eh

Luckily she didn’t take up our free period so we spent free period during the script for the Racial Harmony Skit
Very funnnyyy! :D
Eugene and Shaun were doing damned funny voices lah
Mm went down to eat then came back up again
Then Eugene was doing his Bollywood dance hahahahaha damned funny man
And then right we asked Jin Jing to sing omg laugh until wanna’ die

Us: Jin Jing you want to sing for the skit?
Jin Jing: (Delighted face) Sure!
Us: Okay good pick a song English or Chinese, doesn’t matter.
Jin Jing: Okay okay Chinese! ‘Ou Ran’
Us: Er okay….. how does it sound like? You sing for us can?
Jin Jing: Okay!! (happy face)
Jin Jing: (Sings)
Us: (laughs like hell)

It wouldn’t have been that funny if she didn’t sing some opera thingy -.-
But she did.. so… yea.. :D
Then we asked her who sang the song
And she said ‘Fei Yu Qing’
Laughed even harder after that
Shaun ah, good luck finding the score for that song xD
Ahahhaa anyways damned funny lah

After that geog not bad :D
Teacher told us a story on her friend meeting a transvestite
Cool man :D

Ermmm Bio after that was okay I guesssssss
Not bad.. for once
Then pro sia I got the Spine thing correct :D
Then Bryce keep turning back to talk so fun hahaha

Malay was DAMNED funnnnyyyy
Omg man
Then Yilin was like calling the teacher chiobu xD
And then the teacher was like ‘where does the librarian work?’ and someone answered ‘fire station’ HAHAHA
Cannot stand it man so funny
Then she ask for class treasurer and everyone put up their hands hahahah

Lang Arts was.. boring
As usual haha
Doing Persuasive -.-
I did DAMNED bad for that can -.-
Halfway through Ziqian was just like ’WHERES DICK???’
Her cardboard baby :D
Then he went missing -.-
Then she was just like ’DICKKK?? DICKKKKK?? DICK WHERE ARE YOUUU!!!!’
Omg damned funny
but she still didn’t find him anyways :/
I think she’s gonna’ make a new one

Math was last period
And I don’t need to do the math test tmr :D
Not bad I still can factorise abit :D

At library now with Shawn
Saw Alicia and Kia Luck just now :D
Supposed to do homework now ><
Byeee (:
angelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2008-07-11 19:27:12

sarah chia mei ping u so happy there leh no fair
haha look at ur post, so singlish now already -.-
haha my accent the same as before-.-
lol go back school on the first day with that super english accent yea?
i am bored
i mean it = =
i just eat and eat and eat
after 2 whole day of starving :D
miss youlahhhhhhh
u come englanddddd :D:D
maybe u dont wanna come already =3=
u got so much fun over there D:<
me mad mad already!

HAHAHA okay okay then I make it more American english kay ((:
Omg man you so pro -.-
Shit now I feeling hungry too -.-
How`s the shopping going? :D
Mr Smiley`s still waiting for you here (:
HAHAHA I want to gooooo! :D
I have fun here but I want you to come here and have fun with me also
Don`t worry I still miss and love you (: <3
2008-07-12 13:48:48
shawn 2008-07-10 19:42:35

wah seh wat dick.its in between our legsss!!
ur post a bit weird seh
gt repeated 1-.-
and i woke late also
next time dun call me from 11+till 1.30am-.-
sleep 4 hour seh
12.30 the latest k

You really didn`t have to explain......
Okay okay I edited it -.-
LOL okay
2008-07-12 13:46:40