2011-01-14 23:50:06frank

增加柔軟度的輔助工具-foam roller

試著在 YouTube 上找一些可以幫助膝蓋復建的運動,結果在用 "knee pain" (膝痛)這個關鍵字之下找到不少影片都利用到這個小工具,所以就買了一個....

The image was captured from the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMNQ_dncQH0

Trying to find some video on YouTube helping addressing my knee pain problem, which I suspected partly resulted from unbalanced development of muscle, and thinking that some stretch would help improving the symptom.  If not, it is good to make body become more flexible, too.  So, it's beneficial for sure, I think.

The search result coming up with quite many video clips, and many of them suggesting the use of a FOAM ROLLER, so I tried to look on internet for it and bought one.

Having used it for few days, I felt it serving as sort of masseur.  And it came to me that my friend sometimes need some massage (or masseuse, I could never be sure) after playing badminton.  If masseuse is needed, then this prop won't be able to help a bit; but if it's massage need, then I think this is quite a good prop to have.  I, therefore, wrote him an email about this "foam roller" exercises, and subsequently I modified that email into this log.

PLS refer to below URL for foam roller exercises. 

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lLw81kGeXg
The first video on the list was demonstrated by female trainers, which has more pleasure to watch, but you'd better not to roll it from the shoulders to the low back as they did.

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJLxruO3su0
Good material but poorly shot video.  It was made while someone in the room was vacuuming.

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8caF1Keg2XU
Good material.  The explanation is nice, too.  "Tenderness" means the spot on your body that you feel pain.

4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t32xJspx50o
To address knee pain with foam roller

5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pQkgyYeV30
It shows the technique of employing roller parallel to the body position, putting it right under the back, which is not shown in previous few one.

6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMNQ_dncQH0
Nothing new if you have been watching the previous few ones.  I put it as the last one of the list because of it was demonstrated by a sexy trainer.

My experience so far, it's very "painful" when I rolled it through my thigh and IT band (refer to below photo).  So, it's "deep massage", as mentioned in many video clips.  But I felt quite comfy when I rolled it on the back from side to side.  Part of my goal of exercises this year is to take on sports injury and increase physical flexibility.  I hope this could help! 

In addition, I have been considering to buy a textbook of kinesiology to study for understanding human body better but I am still hesitating.  I checked medical schools' websites for reference books, but it seemed not easy to buy one here, either.  I couldn't find any on book.com.tw, but some used on internet.  I think I need to leaf the book before I bought it.  I was afraid that kinesiology would be Greek to me.