2009-04-01 10:47:05我.就是我,就是pink

Tired ... x100

ohohoh~~~~~ this one look like ...... XX

tired tired tired, still very tired.

I hate HW; I hate not skinny; I hate tired; .....

I hate all the thing in my mind , TAKE IT OUT !!

sometimes thinking about I write so many thing but nobody can understand, why I still want to write it down.

so many thing want to say, but don’t know how

I am tired, I will go to bed


Ci Ci is stupid XDDDDD:
ohwell ~~~~~ still love you love you =)) mhaha
熙熙 2009-04-02 11:59:36

.........我看不懂 哈哈 可是我知道你說我壞話吼ˋˊ+

扁屬妳 哈哈哈`

how can you understand XDDD”mahaha
nonono PINK love CC XDD” haha
2009-04-02 22:01:06
我就是我 2009-04-02 00:16:44

我就看的懂阿...= =

but you not come here very often =)) hahah”
2009-04-02 02:01:06