2008-10-16 21:14:37我.就是我,就是pink



the title PINK XDDDDD"

whatever =]

today is 0’c oh my

but just Fall really can’t believe =[

but very beautyful really


PINK look at the Sun,.....is from West

suddenly find,.....I am really at a very different country

the Sun is not from the East

and PINK still look at the moon

the monrning here always you can see the moon and Sun together

I know the moon,....everybody look at PINK

so PINK go to school very happy today

you are also at night

you also have the moon


PINK smile


OK,time to go to.........

the same life

hope today can have Candice’s call XDDDDDD"

and next week will receive Ball,Fow’s letter

and next week Bai will receive PINK’s letter

give a smile =]