2005-05-14 00:39:50葉狀師



身為外國媒體,紐約時報對於台灣的政治人物當然不會客氣,文中直指胡錦濤接連約訪連戰跟宋楚瑜等反對黨領袖是北京最新的策略-孤立台灣的陳水扁總統(The proposal is the latest piece of a new strategy by China that appears intended to court public opinion in Taiwan and isolate President Chen by meeting with his opponents. )。

講到宋主席,紐約時報就更毒舌了,紐約時報一方面提到中國是以國家元首之禮厚待宋主席,另一方面不忘提及宋主席的親民黨去年國會大選選得零零落落(China has treated [James Soong] more like a visiting head of state than the head of a political party that fared poorly in parliamentary elections last year, winning only 15 percent of the vote.)。尤其該段之首句是敘述宋主席每到各地必定強調反台獨跟合作的重要(At every stop [James Soong] has repeated his opposition to Taiwanese independence and emphasized the need for cooperation),綜合看來似乎有點諷刺宋主席的意味。



紐約時報報導:Jim Yardley & Chris Buckley, New Maxim From Beijing, '2 Sides of Strait,' Is Met With a Yawn From Taiwan's President, The New York Times, May 13, 2005, available at http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/13/international/asia/13taiwan.html?