2005-11-26 23:29:42開水


ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
it remember me you and my trip
tracy 說:
i don’t understand how stupid you are
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
i’m not stupid just such a romantic
tracy 說:
i don’t think so
tracy 說:
you just forget where you put the china key

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ahaha this is your point of view
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
supid people don’t understand what smart people think of

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
so smart
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
i see
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
yes you!!

tracy 說:
when you say i am smart.... i am suprised....
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
then i want to say : " what is going on?"
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
just my father and my brother
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
t want the camera
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
my famous brother!!
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
hehehe .
tracy 說:
he is so cute
tracy 說:
how old?
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
so young
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
the same age as me sister
tracy 說:
may they can get married
tracy 說:
goo d idea

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
you are always a businesswoman
tracy 說:
not realy
tracy 說:
i want to be a housewife like your mom
tracy 說:
but no 18 rooms

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
i want to have a housekeepter
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
oh yes
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
you are high education
tracy 說:
of course

tracy 說:
and you maybe too
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
lower than me

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
of course lower!
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
you are smart

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
i have really to go now
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
i’m really really late
tracy 說:
just sometimes stupid...then i don’t understand what you do stupid
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
take care
tracy 說:
and have fun
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ok have a good night

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
and sleep well
tracy 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
in your big bed
tracy 說:
bring cute guy for me
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
ok no problem

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
don’t cry
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:

tracy 說:
see you next time don’t forget to tell me what happen the party is to you

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ok! next time we talk
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
go go go
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:

ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
move your hand
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
tracy 說:
tracy 說:
you are late
ϊ∫ Đůċα đϊ Sŧọx © (秦始皇) "Per amore della rosa, si sopportano le spine.." 說:
ok i go
tracy 說: