2003-10-24 10:26:54依DNA



最憎星期四~今個禮拜好忙~5班21units(3班production)係會死架。星期一、二jap midterm、星期二spent 2 hours driving to拍片、星期四midterm、由9:30-6:10都係上堂,親break買左盒沙律,我想死。

不如講下我既studio video班,我幾鍾意個班因為學緊電視台入面廠景個d野~我地岩岩完成左一個10分鐘既news show~不過好多野都係咪搞我。要擔梯搞燈光、整咪~我都係唔係好掂~哩的野,的男人做啦~~哈哈~我真係好唔鍾意deal with film ppl,佢地真係好萌塞!好執著,有個gp mate好多意見,唔係多就唔好,不過成日同人分歧又浪費好多時間去拗~哎~~冇眼睇。我哩的computing就easygoing 啦~~哈哈!! 所以唔好搵0的做男友呀~~又大男人、又硬頸、又萌塞、又長氣。我仲要做一個documentary~訪問蔡曉慧,所以要上orange拍片.this is my greatest challenge because this is my grade for the class, and of coz the way i portray sherry is important because I am her friend... hm~~ hope things turn out to be good!

hm... things interesting in my life is yesterday i hitchhiked! hahahahaa... shh.. girls, dun do it.. it's dangerous!