1.事實發生日:112/03/17 2.發生緣由:公告本公司辦理股票初次上市現金增資收足股款暨增資基準日 3.因應措施:無 4.其他應敘明事項: (1)本公司辦理股票初次上巿前現金增資發行普通股8,258,000股,競價拍賣最低承銷價格為每股新台幣77.39元,依投標價格高者優先得標,每一得標人應依其得標價格認購,各得標單之價格及其數量加權平均價格新台幣133.22元;公開申購承銷價格為每股新台幣83.58元;總募資金額為新台幣985,323,020元業已全數收足。 (2)現金增資基準日:112年03月17日
Contents: 1.Date of occurrence of the event: 2023/03/17 2.Cause of occurrence: Announcement of the company fully received the payment for subscription of cash capital increase prior to the initial listing and the record date of cash capital increase. 3.Countermeasures: None 4.Any other matters that need to be specified (1) The Company increases capital by cash and issues 8,258,000 ordinary shares prior to the initial public listing. The minimum offering price of the competitive auction was NT$77.39 per share, and the shares were awarded on the basis of bid price in descending order. Each successful bidder subscribed the securities at the bidders own award price. The weighted average bid price of all successful bids was NT$133.22. The offering price of public subscription was NT$83.58 per share. The total amount of payment for subscription was NT$985,323,020, which was fully received. (2) The record date of cash capital increase: 2023/3/17