2012-06-13 15:54:45ninaozchamp

Mathematical model of medium speed pulverizers

The pulverizer mathematicalmodel in (1) is described by several differential and algebraicequations as follows:

    Mc mass of coal in pulverizer
    Mpf mass of pulverized coal in pulverizer
    Tout outlet temperature of pulverizer
    △Pmill pulverizer differential pressure
    Wpf mass flow rate of pulverized coal
    P pulverizer power consumed
    △Ppa primary air differential pressure
    Wc mass flow rate of coal into pulverizer
    Tin inlet temperature of pulverizer
    Wair primary air flow into pulverizer
    K i the constant coefficients of the pulverizer model,i=1,2,3,…,12.

the whole mathematic model ofa pulverizer can be obtained after identifying the coefficients inequation set (1)by the improved GA. However, it is not convenient todesign the control system of the pulverizer .so the above modelsystem of the pulverizer. So the above model needs to be convertedinto a T-S fuzzy model baese on analyzing the operation mechanism. Tominimize the design effort, we try to use as few rules as possiblewith guarantee of the accuracy of the T-S fuzzy model. Let theprimary air differential pressure △Ppa and the primaryair-flow into pulverizer Wair be the premise variables ofT-S fuzzy model. Wair and the product of Tin and WairTin Wair are the inout variables. Wpf ,△Pmill, Tout, P-K is the output variables. Then thenonlinear model can be converted into an equivalent T-S fuzzy modelof the pulverizer as follows:

IF △Ppa is Piand Wair is Wi

Blending linear models (1)-(4)through the above nonlinear fuzzy membershio functions μij =(i=1,2,j=1,2,3,4) , the T-S fuzzy model of thepulverizer can be obtained as follows:

it is composed of four linearmodels that are blended through nonlinear membershio functions.Controllers with good performance to every linear system and thewhole nonlinear system can be designed based on the T-S fuzzy modeleasily. So the T-S fuzzy model is suitable for designing the controlsystem of the pulverizer.

Mathematical model of medium speed pulverizers