2012-06-13 14:55:56ninaozchamp

The Development of Pulverizer

With China's sustainedeconomic development, China's iron and steel industry has been rapiddevelopment in 2004 China's steel output reached a record high forthe 272 million tons, becoming the world's first iron and steelpower. After the rapid development in recent years, iron and steelindustry is gradually showing insufficient natural resources, tons ofproduction of excessive energy consumption, environmental pollutionand other conflicts. Scrap iron and steel industry resources as a"second mining", with energy conservation, reducingpollution, protecting the environment, recycling, etc., and itsimpact will be bigger and bigger. In recent years, the supply ofscrap steel each year in the rise, its role gradually expanded tobreak through 50 million tons in 2004, so that resources will befurther recycled.

Mainly from the domestic steelscrap recycling in social institutions, their social recovery ofscrap steel scrap accounted for about 60%, which is the main sourceof scrap steel in China; followed by the steel mills produce steelscrap; another Although China has become the first production ofsteel big country, but China's reserves of iron and steel in generalis not very adequate, so the total amount of domestic steel scrap wasalso unable to meet the demand for steel on steel scrap, about 1 / 4the volume rely on imports to make up for the domestic steel scrapresources. EAF is a major consumer of steel scrap resources major,but with the EAF in the steel industry to further expand, the demandfor steel scrap resources will also be further expanded.

Comparing the three types ofscrap processing equipment, relatively speaking pulverizer processingwider, higher productivity, the most important and crucial that itcan remove all sorts of things, if accompanied by appropriate sortingequipment, while more will be Steelmaking harmful mixed non-ferrousmetal scrap in the sorting out of a very pure high-quality ferrousmetal raw materials. Thus, the scrap pulverized line is the world'sideal scrap processing equipment.

First, an overview ofpulverizer

The world's popular anddominant pulverizer, most of them are in the United States based onNewell's derived, possession of nearly about 70%, such as Germany'sLindemann, Japan's Fuji vehicles, China's Hubei Power Dili.Pulverizer produce and development, with the scrap industry isclosely related to the beginning to deal with only some thinmaterial, with the deepening of awareness, as well as thefragmentation of the apparent superiority of steel, all kinds ofspecifications pulverizer continuously developed, the use of thescope has become an increasingly widespread, and even to scrap theentire fleet of cars and household appliances to deal withappropriate conveyor and sorting equipment, the composition can beeasily pulverized scrap production line, there is no need fordisassembly can be scrapped cars and household appliances toautomated production deal with processing, has been pulverized puresteel and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic material can be used.

These advantages sufficient tomeet the EAF steelmaking to concentrate and shorten the time refiningsome of the basic requirements; and the purity of pulverized steelcan also be used as the addition of BOF material. Third, theprinciple and mechanism of pulverizer

Its core principle is to use ahammer to hit the basic principles of high-speed high torquemotor-driven, host rotor rotation hammer blows on the capacity toenter the cavity material to be pulverized through the lining betweenthe formation and hammerhead space, will be pulverized into a complextear of the pulverized materials meet the specifications.

According to pulverizerworking conditions, can be divided into dry-type systems, wet systemsand dry systems. Dry-type system mainly refers to objects to bepulverized through the air roundabout sorting system, the metal andnon-metallic sub-left, while the entire system with dust removaldevice. Wet system is pulverized sprinkler at the same time, and atthe same time in sorting the washing. Sub-humid pulverized systemonly when necessary to carry out a small amount of water spray toprevent the dust, there is no cleaning.

Fourth, a prototype with theintroduction of technology

The earliest introduction ofthe United States Newell's 4000-horsepower pulverizer, used dry-typesystem, in 1996 and put into use from the current situation, itsproduction capacity of 100 tons / hour, there is much more of thesurplus, often in a state of downtime, such as material, equipmentidle is higher. And one-time large capital investment. Based on userrequirements, the true beginning of the introduction of the key coretechnology, it is force Dili Hubei Machine Tool Company Limitedstarted. They are the start to engage in serious market research,analysis of the status quo of domestic and foreign markets, toidentify suitable for China's national conditions, to which iseconomical models to meet market demand.

1,000 hp pulverizer hostdouble-drum roller with hydraulic machine as the core sample with astarting point for introduction of technology through technical andeconomic analysis: The functional model not only can handle mixedscrap, but also can handle the whole end-of-life vehicles abandonedcars and household appliances, at the same time the efficiency oftheir production is also high, and its capacity to handle 25 tons /hour about 6 hours per day, 200 days working days per year, theannual steel production of a single class in 300000 tons. Not onlysave user investments, but also in relatively short period of time toget return on investment.

Hydraulic dual-roller rollingmachine for its core function of pulverizer feed pretreatmentmachine, their appearance may be the shell of a larger size categoryand light metal components, the whole is compacted to form a smoothfeed into the pulverizer throat mouth of waste steel materials, thuswidening the pulverizer range of processing materials. At the sametime, improve production efficiency pulverizer plays a vital role.

The Development of Pulverizer