2012-06-13 14:36:53ninaozchamp

The parts of Pulverizer

The pulverizer is constructedsolely for the pulverization or reduction to dust of sand, gravel, orthe small work of stamping machines, and cannot be used itself as acrusher or breaker. It consists of four parts or elements, all ofwhich are necessary to its use. The first is an automaticfeeding-mill, which furnishes a regular and constant supply of thematerial to be pulverized.

The second element is an irondrum or cylinder, containing an air-wheel, which converts the sand orgravel into dust by the action of rotary currents of air , created bythe wheel. No air enters or escapes from this cylinder, unless by theaid of other machinery. The material can be retained in the cylinderuntil it is completely reduced.
The third element is afan-blower,-placed near, or at a considerable distance from, thepulverizing cylinder,-by which the dust is drawn from the latter asfast as it is generated. The gravel, sand, auriferous earth, or othermaterial, is pulverized in the first cylinder by the action ofcurrents of air generated by the air-wheel; the dust is then drawnout, in company with air, by the exhaustive force of the fan-blower.the fourth element is a chamber, or series of chambers, to receiveand collect the dust generated by the pulverizer. The dust-chambersare variously constructed to suit the nature of the material which isto be reduced, and are adapted either for dry or wet grinding, as maybe required. A single pulverizer, applied to the reduction of goldores, accomplishes with a smaller consumption of steam or waterpower, the work of forty stamps, and the quality of the work producedis beyond all comparison finer. In a pulverizer theoreticallyperfect, the principle of its working is the movement of one particleon another or mutual attrition, promoted by vortices of air.

Three pulverizers willgive the work, in quantity, of ninety stamps; and the quality of thiswork will be so much superior that the miner may safely estimate hisprofits at twenty dollars per ton, instead of ten dollars, fromquartz assaying thirty dollars.

 Micro Pulverizer

These micro pulverizersutilized for soft materials like chemicals, dyestuff, foodstuff,pharma bulk drugs etc. for fine grinding. Since the pulverizer isused vastly for chemicals & bulk drugs, and other heat sensitivematerials, it has a built-in water jacket to control the temperaturein the grinding pchamber.

The grinding takes placethrough attrition between the high speed swinging hammers andserrated liners. Due to very high speed and a smaller chamber size, ahigher fineness is achieved as compared to hammer mill.

The parts of Pulverizer