2006-11-14 22:07:11Irene

cold feet

This morning when I woke up
I had a very weird feeling
I felt that I have to breathe really hard to feel fine
I just can’t believe I’m getting married!
And it’s 24 days away!

I just talked to Sarah
She said this is very common
Everyone went through the same stage...
It’s called cold feet!
And it usually hits you a month before your wedding.

I can’t believe I’m having cold feet now
But I just can’t believe that I’m getting married! In 24 days!!
I just can’t believe my single life is over and my name will be different too!

She said, this will go away.
You’re probably more nervous about the day than the marriage itself
She said, the grass on the other side is not necessary greener
my bridesmaid has been single for 8 years just because she can’t find anyone she likes
right now, you have the option to be single and to be with someone
you don’t know if you can find another man who will love you and committee to you if you stay single

I know! But I just can’t believe I’m getting married!
Oh well...
I will just let it be and let it settle
It will go away...

上一篇:counting down

下一篇:6 days to go!

Irene 2006-12-06 01:57:41

on 12/22 and will arrive on 12/24

Yolanda 2006-12-06 00:12:23

when will you come back?

Irene 2006-11-30 00:20:58

Yolanda!!! I will see you soon!!!
my wedding is next week!!
i’m getting excited!!! hehe...