2012-12-17 19:02:16 Joshuachang



壹 禱告真實的意義,乃是人在靈裏和神接觸,並吸取神自己20,約十四13,十五7

一 禱告就是人的靈和神的靈接觸,在接觸之間,把神吸入到人裏面20,約四24

二 真實的禱告,都是人在靈裏調和着是靈的神而有的20,弗六18,羅八16,林前六17

1 禱告必須是神調在人的靈裏和人一同禱告出來的。

2 真實的禱告乃是神人雙層的禱告,是神的靈調在人的靈裏,人的靈也調在神的靈裏而有的禱告20,羅八426

3 這個神人調在一起而有的禱告,完全是神發起的,神發動的;神在人裏頭禱告,人也在神裏頭禱告雅五17


約十四13 你們在我的名裏無論求什麼,我必作成,叫父在子身上得榮耀。

  十五7 你們若住在我裏面,我的話也住在你們裏面,凡你們所願意的,祈求就給你們成就。


禱告乃是屬靈生命的呼吸,對於初得救的人,猶如呼吸之于初生的嬰孩。所以信主得救之後,接着仍要不住地禱告呼求主,以得到屬靈的空氣,就是主生命的靈,使我們屬靈的生命得以增長而強壯。禱告真實的意義,乃是人在靈裏和神接觸, 並吸取神自己。禱告就是人的靈和神的靈接觸,在接觸之間,把神吸入到人的裏面。所以禱告不重在向神求多少事物,乃重在和神接觸並吸取神(生命課程,二頁)。



正確的禱告,真實的禱告,不單是從靈裏禱告出來的,乃是神調在人的靈裏和人一同禱 告出來的,並且這個神人調在一起而有的禱告,完全是神發起的,神發動的。所以這一種屬靈的禱告,絕不能跟隨你的頭腦,跟隨你的記憶力,跟隨你的思想,乃要 完全跟隨你靈裏面的感覺。而這種感覺,就是神在你裏面的發起。所以在真實的禱告裏,不單是神和你一同禱告,更是你跟着神來禱告。神給你一個感覺,你就 跟着那個感覺來禱告。當你跟着那個感覺來禱告的時候,神也就跟着你的禱告來禱告。你禱告,祂也禱告,祂和你一同禱告,祂在你裏面穿着你禱告。

你所祈求的事項得着答應,那還是其次的;首要的,乃是當你這樣跟隨着靈裏的感覺來 禱告的時候,你就讓神一直從你裏面經過,一直在你裏面調和,因此你就大量地吸取了神,享受了神。不錯,你是求了一些事,你為召會禱告過了,為某一個為 難的弟兄禱告過了,也為你自己禱告過了;但在你的感覺裏,你會覺得,最主要的,還是你裏頭吸取了神,你裏頭飽足了。

你若這樣跟着這個感覺禱告下去,神的靈就必隨着你而禱告,隨着你給你更多的感覺, 這時候你就只負一個責任,跟着這一個一個的感覺來禱告,把這些感覺一句一句用話說出來。這就是真實的禱告,這就是呼吸神的禱告。在這樣的禱告裏,你乃是在神裏頭呼吸了神自己。在你未得着事物之先,你已經得着了神自己。這一個就叫作禱告享受神,這一個就叫作藉着禱告來吸取神自己。

〔禱告該是〕你和神調在一起而有的禱告。我們要看見,無論在什麼時候,裏頭的禱告 都該是摸着神而有的禱告。一切正常的禱告,都必須是跟隨靈的感覺而有的禱告。這樣的禱告,都是你在神裏頭享受神而有的,都是一面禱告一面享受神的。這樣的 禱告越多,你吸取神就越多,享受神也越多。

真實的禱告乃是神人雙層的禱告,乃是神的靈調在人的靈裏,人的靈也調在神的靈裏而 有的禱告。當人運用靈來禱告的時候,那就是人的靈在神的靈裏面禱告,也就是神的靈在人的靈裏面禱告。在這樣一種光景中,你就很不容易分辨清楚,到底是人的 靈禱告呢,還是神的靈禱告。因為人的靈和神的靈兩者已經完全聯結了。可以說,神與人在靈裏的聯結,最透徹、最完美的一個時候,就是禱告的時 候。我這樣說,相信弟兄姊妹能領會,禱告完全是人和神聯結的一個故事,所以禱告必須是在靈裏(如何享受神及操練,三四、三二八至三三一、三三八、三 二五至三二六頁)。


 Thanksgiving Conference 2012


 Message One

The Significance of Prayer, the Principle of Prayer,  and the Prayer Ministry of the Church

 Scripture Reading: Matt. 6:9-10; 18:18-20; John 15:7; Eph. 6:18; 1 John 5:14; Jude 20

                     DAY 1

  I. The real significance of prayer is to contact God in our spirit   and to absorb God Himself—Jude 20; John 14:13; 15:7:

   A. Prayer is the contact of the human spirit with the divine Spirit, during   which we inhale God—Jude 20; John 4:24.

 B. Genuine prayers are prayers in which we are mingled with God the  Spirit in our spirit—Jude 20; Eph. 6:18; Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17:

1. Prayer must be a joint prayer in which God is mingled with our spirit.

2. True prayers—prayers that involve God and man—are the issue of the Spirit of God being mingled with man's spirit and of man's spirit being mingled with the Spirit of God—Jude 20; Rom. 8:4, 26.

 3. In this prayer God and man are mingled together, and God is the Initiator and the Motivator; God prays in man, and man prays in God—James 5:17. 

WEEK 1 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

 John 14:13 “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

15:7 “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you  will, and it shall be done for you.”

 In our spiritual life, prayer is breathing and is as crucial to a new believer as  breathing is to a newborn babe. Hence, after we believe in the Lord and call upon His name to be saved, we must continue to pray and call on the Lord. Then we can receive  the spiritual air, which is the Lord’s Spirit of life, that we may grow and be strong in the  spiritual life. The real significance of prayer is to contact God in our spirit and to absorb   God Himself. Prayer is the contact of the human spirit with the Spirit of God, during   which man inhales God into himself. Therefore, the emphasis of prayer lies not in  asking God for things but in contacting and absorbing God. (Life Lessons, vol. 1, p. 24)

Today’s Reading

 Genuine prayers are prayers in which man is mingled with God in spirit. Hence, all genuine prayers are initiated by God. All prayers that are  mingled with God are surely initiated by Him. In such prayers, God prays   in man, and man prays in God.

Our spirit is not the only requirement for proper and genuine prayer.Prayer must be a joint prayer in which God is mingled with our spirit. In  this prayer God and man mingle together, and God is the Initiator and   Motivator. Spiritual prayer is never directed by our mind, memory, or  thoughts. It is directed by the sense in our spirit, and this sense comes from  God’s initiation. Hence, in genuine prayer we pray together with God; we  pray by accompanying Him. We pray according to the feeling that God gives   us. This enables God to pray with us in our prayer. We are praying, and He is also praying. He and we pray together. He is within us; He is praying one with us.

    Whether or not such prayers are answered is secondary. The primary   matter is that we pray by following the sense in our spirit; we allow God to  pass through us and to mingle Himself with us. In this way we enjoy God  and absorb Him. Even though we may offer supplication for the church, for   a brother in dire need, or even for ourselves, our main sensation will be that we have absorbed God and have been filled with Him.

This is the way to continue in prayer. If we follow the inner sense,   God’s Spirit will follow our prayer, and we will receive more feelings. Our  responsibility is simply to pray according to these feelings. Verbalize the  feelings one by one. This is genuine prayer that breathes in God. Through    such prayer, we are in God, we breathe Him in, and God is in us. In such  prayers we obtain God even before our prayers are answered. This is what it   means to enjoy God and absorb Him through prayer.

   In  our  prayers,  God  and  we,  we  and  God,  should  be  mingled  together.  Whenever we pray, our prayers should be inward prayers that come from touching God. All normal prayers are prayers according to the sense of the spirit.   Such prayers come from our enjoyment of God and are actually an enjoyment of   God. The more we pray this way, the more we will absorb God and enjoy Him.

   True prayer involves two parties—God and man. Such prayers are the issue  of the Spirit of God being mingled with man’s spirit and of man’s spirit being  mingled with the Spirit of God. When a man exercises his spirit to pray, he is   praying with his spirit in God’s Spirit, or we can say that God’s Spirit is praying   in his spirit. In such prayers it is difficult to differentiate whether man’s spirit is  praying or God’s Spirit is praying, because man’s spirit and God’s Spirit are fully  joined together. The human spirit and the divine Spirit are intimately joined  during prayer. As we pray, God and man are joined together in the most thorough  and perfect way....I hope we all understand that prayer is absolutely a matter of  God being mingled with man. Our prayers must be in the Spirit. (How to Enjoy  God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God, pp. 231, 223-224, 229, 221)

 Further Reading: Life Lessons, vol. 1, lsn. 4; How to Enjoy God and How   to Practice the Enjoyment of God, ch. 20