2013-07-02 22:14:40 Joshuachang


第三週 • 週五


弗三 16~17『願祂照着祂榮耀的豐富,藉着祂的靈,用大能使你們得以加強到裏面的人裏,使基督藉着



    我們的心是由魂的各部分—心思、情感、意志,加上靈的主要部分—良心—組成的。這些是我們人內裏的各部分。藉着重生,基督進到我們的靈裏(提後四 22)。接着,我們該讓祂擴展到我們心的每一部分。我們的心是我們內裏各部分的總和,也是我們裏面之人的中心;所以,當基督安家在我們心裏,祂就掌管我們裏面的全人,並用祂自己供應、加強我們內裏的各部分(以弗所書生命讀經,三三九頁)。






WEEK 3 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 3:16-17 "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened
                            with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His
                            home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love."

  In Ephesians 3:16 we have the subject of Paul's prayer....In contrast to the prayer in chapter one, which is a prayer for revelation, this is a prayer for experience. The need in chapter one is for us to see the things related to the Body of Christ, to see how the Body comes into existence and how it is constituted. But it is inadequate simply to see the revelation; we also need the experience of what we see. Because we need to experience Christ in a subjective way, Paul prayed that we would be strengthened with power into the inner man. (Life-study of Ephesians, p. 277)

Today's Reading

    Our heart is composed of all the parts of our soul—the mind, the emotion, and the will—plus our conscience, the main part of our spirit. These are the inward parts of our being. Through regeneration, Christ came into our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22). Subsequently, we should allow Him to spread Himself into every part of our heart. Our heart is the totality of all our inward parts and
the center of our inward being; therefore, when Christ makes His home in our heart, He controls our entire inward being and supplies and strengthens every inward part with Himself. (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 280-281)

    Our heart is the organ of our inclination and affection toward things; it represents us with regard to our inclination, affection, delight, and desire toward things....Before we were regenerated, our heart was inclined toward sin, loved the world, and desired the things of passion; toward God, however, it was cold and hard, without inclination and without affection; toward the things of God and spiritual things, it had no delight and was void of any desire. So when God regenerates us, He renews our heart and makes our heart a new heart, with a new inclination, new affection, new delight, and new desire. Thus, once we are regenerated and saved, our heart inclines toward God, loves God, and desires God; toward the things of God, the
spiritual things, and the heavenly things, it also has delight and desire. Whenever such things are mentioned, our heart is joyful, responsive, and desirous. (The Knowledge of Life, p. 37)

    When we were saved, Christ came into our spirit. Now we must give Him the opportunity to spread Himself throughout all the parts of our inner being. As we are strengthened into the inner man, the door is opened for Christ to spread in us, to spread from our spirit to every part of our mind, emotion, and will. The more Christ spreads within us, the more He settles down in us and makes His home in us. This means that He occupies every part of our inner being, possessing all these parts and saturating them with Himself. As a result, not only do we receive the revelation, but we also are filled with Christ. Then wherever we may go, we shall be the apostles, the sent ones, and the prophets, those who speak for Christ. (Life-study of Ephesians, p. 282)

    When we are strengthened into the inner man, Christ spreads in us and dispenses more of Himself into our being. By daily dispensing Himself into us, Christ eventually fills our heart.

    Christ  becomes  our  content  by  filling  every  part  of  our  being  with Himself. He spreads to our mind, emotion, and will, filling our thinking, considerations, feelings, and decisions. Christ occupies our entire being, possesses us, and even becomes us, making us His expression. Then we can say,"To me, to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21). When we think, it is Christ thinking. When we love, it is Christ loving. When we make a decision, it is Christ deciding. Christ becomes us, and He causes us to become Him. This is Christ making His home in our heart. (Crucial Aspects of the Experience of Christ Revealed in Paul's Epistles, p. 33)

    Further  Reading:  The  Indwelling  Christ  in  the  Canon  of  the  New Testament, chs. 13-14;
                                          Crucial Aspects of the Experience of Christ Revealed in Paul's Epistles, ch.
                                         5; Life-study of Ephesians, msg. 32