2007-11-30 19:06:01牙mon


i have only gone up two classes ,bad girl.ya.it’s me.
what have i done ?
sleep sleep sleep
then continued to watch the movies and chat with computer.
the photo is which i have gone Tuesday named ”宝墨苑”.a boring place.
i found i only use to smile to photograghs.and i am boring too.
i gone to drink and was drunk on Wed.i am loser.unexpectdly lose to Mr.little white.How possible. J.tell me.

my eye 白痴.my head 白痴.and my nose,mouse....(摔鏡子)
月光光 2007-12-25 00:33:07

在聖誕節最開心,祝我最關心的妳聖誕快樂and蝦皮new e牙, mon.

大爺 2007-12-12 14:52:21


_U know Who_ 2007-12-05 11:39:38

my eye 白痴.my head 白痴.and my nose,mouse....(摔鏡子)]


好詞好句 Good! ^ w ^b